Duration: 2016 - 2019
Code: H2020-MSCA-ITN-2015-675415
Scientists in charge:
Sven Rosenkranz (ICREA-UB, coordinator)
Fabrice Correia (University of Neuchâtel)
Hannes Leitgeb (MCMP/University of Munich)
Kathrin Glüer-Pagin (University of Stockholm)
Duncan Pritchard (EIDYN/University of Edinburgh)
Francois Recanati (CNRS/École Normale Supérieure)
Crispin Wright (University of Stirling/New York University)
Local team members:
Esa Díaz-León (UB)
José Díez (UB)
Manuel García-Carpintero (UB)
Carl Hoefer (ICREA-UB)
Max Kölbel (ICREA-UB)
Josep Macià (UB)
Teresa Marques (UB)
Genoveva Martí (ICREA-UB)
Pepe Martínez (UB)
Josefa Toribio (ICREA-UB)
Matheus Valente (UB)
Lisa Vogt (UB)
Indrek Reiland (UB)
Michele Palmira (UB)
DIAPHORA serves as a European research and training platform for collaborative research on the nature of philosophical problems, their resilience and the sources of persistent divergence of expert opinion about them, and their relation to conflicts in the practical sphere. More specifically, DIAPHORA’s 3 principal research objectives are (A) to diagnose what makes philosophical problems so resilient and to clarify to what extent the sustained lack of convergence in philosophy can successfully be explained by the hardness of its problems; (B) to explain why the tendency has not been towards a general agnosticism about candidate solutions, but rather towards divergence, and to identify features of philosophical method that allow for such persistent peer disagreement; and (C) to explore whether the dynamics of philosophical debate, despite the subject’s highly theoretical nature, bears important and instructive resemblances to the dynamics of debates about more practical matters and their political and socio-economical antecedents – and hence whether philosophical problems and their attempted resolution can illuminate, and be illuminated by, the procedural and methodological difficulties besetting strategies for the adjudication of public affairs, thereby determining what philosophical thought might contribute to society at large. DIAPHORA joins 7 leading European research centres in philosophy, and 5 partner organisations, 3 of which from the nonacademic sector, in the fields of international conflict management, mediation and policy-making, as well as the analysis of social conflict and cultural diversity. It undertakes to provide 14 Early Stage Researchers with the knowledge and skills necessary to meet the demands of top-level research within its remit, as well as professional complementary skills training in both the academic and non-academic sectors, with the goal of widening their potential societal contributions and improving their individual career prospects.
Total budget: €3670854
14 Early Stage Researchers (of whom 2 recruited by the UB)
Manuel García-Carpintero. 2023
‘Lying vs. Misleading, with Language and Pictures: The Adverbial Account’, Linguistics & Philosophy 46, 509–532
Manuel García-Carpintero, Michele Palmira. 2022
Synthese, DOI: 10.1007/s11229-022-03467-7
Teresa Marques, Chiara Valentini. 2021
Collective Action, Philosophy and Law
Teresa Marques. 2021
Philosophia: Philosophical Quarterly of Israel, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11406-020-00288-1
Teresa Marques. 2021
Illocutionary force and attitude mode in normative disputes
Metaphilosophy, 52: 449– 465. https://doi.org/10.1111/meta.12488
Teresa Marques. 2021
Relativismo y retractaciones
David Pérez Chico (ed.), Cuestiones de Filosofía del Lenguaje: Pragmática, Prensas Universitarias de Zaragoza.
Genoveva Martí, Lorena Ramírez-Ludeña. 2021
Synthese,198: 2973-2986
Josefa Toribio. 2021
In Dirk Kindermann, Cristina Borgoni and Andrea Onofri (Eds.), The Fragmented Mind, pp. 303–324. Oxford: OUP.
Lisa Vogt. 2021
Two problems for Zylstra's truthmaker semantics for essence.
Inquiry. Published online first: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/0020174X.2021.1899044?journalCode=sinq20.
Esa Díaz-León. 2020
In T. Marques & A. Wikforss (eds), Shifting Concepts: The Philosophy and Psychology of Concept Variability, Oxford University Press, pp. 190-212, May 2020.
Esa Díaz-León. 2020
Journal of Consciousness Studies, 27 (5-6), pp. 62-73.
Manuel García-Carpintero. 2020
Erkenntnis 85(2), 269-293, 2020
Teresa Marques. 2020
In Teresa Marques & Åsa Maria Wikforss (eds.), Shifting Concepts: The Philosophy and Psychology of Conceptual Variability. Oxford: Oxford University Press (2020)
Teresa Marques, Manuel García-Carpintero. 2020
Grazer Philosophische Studien 97(1): 138–158. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1163/18756735-09701008
Teresa Marques. 2020
Ratio, 33 (4), 255-268. DOI: 10.1111/rati.12268
Teresa Marques. 2020
Teresa Marques, Åsa Wikforss. 2020
Oxford University Press. ISBN: 9780198803331
Sven Rosenkranz, Fabrice Correia. 2020
Analysis 80 (2020), 21-30
Sven Rosenkranz, Fabrice Correia. 2020
Philosophical Studies 177 (2020), 1999-2011
Sven Rosenkranz, Fabrice Correia. 2020
Inquiry 63 (2020), 586-604
Josefa Toribio. 2020
In Álvaro Peláez and Ignacio Cervieri (Eds.) Contenido y Fenomenología de la Percepción: Aproximaciones Filosóficas. Ciudad de México: Gedisa-UNAM, pp. 79–109.
Josefa Toribio. 2020
In Gabriele Ferretti and Brian Blenney (Eds.). Molyneux's Question. Oxford: Routledge, pp. 266–283.
Esa Díaz-León. 2019
In M. Kusch (ed.) Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Relativism, Routledge, pp. 265-71.
Manuel García-Carpintero. 2019
Assertions in Fictions: An Indirect Speech Act Account
Grazer Philosophische Studien 96(3), 445-462, DOI: 10.1163/18756735-09603013
Manuel García-Carpintero. 2019
On the Nature of Fiction-Making: Grice or Austin?
British Journal of Aesthetics 59 (2), 2019, 203-210, DOI: 10.1093/aesthj/ayy054
Manuel García-Carpintero. 2019
Normative Fiction-Making and the World of the Fiction
Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 77 (3), 2019, 267-279, DOI: 10.1111/jaac.12660
Manuel García-Carpintero. 2019
Conventions and Constitutive Norms
Journal of Social Ontology, 5 (1), 2019, 35-52, DOI: 10.1515/jso-2019-0013
Teresa Marques. 2019
in D. Plunkett, S. Shapiro, and K. Toh (eds.), Dimensions of Normativity: New Essays on Metaethics and Jurisprudence. Oxford University Press.
Teresa Marques. 2019
Araucaria: Revista Iberoamericana de Filosofía, Política, Humanidades, y Relaciones Internacionales, 21 (42)
Teresa Marques. 2019
in M. Kusch (ed.) The Routledge Handbook to Relativism, Routledge.
Josefa Toribio. 2019
In Brian Glenney and José Filipe Pereira da Silva (Eds.) The Senses and the History of Philosophy. Oxford: Routledge, pp. 292–307.
Teresa Marques. 2018
Synthese. 2018, 195 (8), pp 3335–3359 DOI:10.1007/s11229-015-0852-8
Teresa Marques. 2018
Synthese, 195(3):1035–1063. DOI: 10.1007/s11229-016-1293-8
Sven Rosenkranz, Fabrice Correia. 2018
Synthese Library Series 395, Berlin/New York: Springer Press
Teresa Marques. 2017
Phenomenology and Mind, 12: 40-48. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.13128/Phe_Mi-21104
Teresa Marques. 2017
Thought: A Journal of Philosophy. DOI: 10.1002/tht3.258
Teresa Marques. 2017
Journal of Social Ontology. 3 (1) DOI: 10.1515/jso-2016-0018.
Teresa Marques. 2017
In A. Capone & F.Poggi (eds.), Pragmatics and Law: Practical and Theoretical Perspectives. Springer. pp. 223-241
Teresa Marques. 2016
Philosophy South - Unisinos Philosophy Journal 17(3): 308-314