ManuelGarcía-Carpinterohas been awarded an ICREA Acadèmia fellowship for 2025. Congratulations, Manolo!
[October 2024] LOGOS member Aida Roige has been awarded an APOSTD Postdoctoral Fellowship at the University of Valencia. Congratulations, Aida!
[October 2024] Former LOGOS student Aarón Álvarezhas been awarded a Juan de la Cierva Postdoctoral Fellowship at the University of Valencia. Congratulations, Aarón!
[October 2024] Former LOGOS member Daniel Gregory has been awarded a Ramón y Cajal Postdoctoral Fellowship at the University of Valencia. Congratulations, Daniel!
[October 2024] Andrea Rivadulla rejoined LOGOS as a senior member after award of a postdoctoral fellowship with Joshua Shepherd's Templeton project. Congratulations, Andrea, and welcome back!
[Otober 2024] LOGOS student Johannes Findl was awarded his PhD on October 15, 2024. Congratulations, Johannes!
[September 2024] Carlota Serrahima, LOGOS member, has obtained a position as profesora ayudante doctora at the University of Valencia. Congratulations, Carlota!