Research Group
in Analytic Philosophy

Graduate Reading Group (GRG)

Graduate students run a graduate reading group where they present and discuss their ongoing research.


In academic year 2024/2025, the convenors of the GRG are Margherita Grassi and Lucia González Arias.



  • GRG Plenary meeting


    26 September 2024

    17:00, Hybrid

  • From No-Drop to Drop: Strengthening the Case for Deductive Risk

    Vinicius Felipe Posselt (Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil)


    10 October 2024

    16:00, Hybrid

  • Mathematical knowledge in formal proof assistants: beyond verification? (A work in progress)

    Elena Menta Oliva (U. Barcelona)


    24 October 2024

    16:00, Hybrid

  • Appreciating Mental States

    Auke Montessori (Washington University, St. Louis)


    07 November 2024

    16:00, Hybrid

  • Beliefs Without Judgments: a Plea for the Belief View of Implicit Attitudes

    Ilia Patronnikov (U. Barcelona)


    28 November 2024

    16:00, Hybrid

  • On the Necessity of Dispositional Safety for Knowledge

    Marc Lara Crosas (U. Barcelona)


    05 December 2024

    16:00, Hybrid

  • The Propositionalist View on Emotion and Its Relevance for Emotional Attributions to Robots in HRI

    Ivano Zanzarella (University of Bari, Italy)


    19 December 2024

    16:00, Hybrid

  • The Religious Fictionalism and the Ontological Challenge of Amulets

    Adrián Solís Peña (U. Barcelona)


    23 January 2025

    16:00, Hybrid

  • Gluing the Past Back Together: Episodic Memory, Implicit Attitudes, and the Accuracy Framing Problem

    Lucía González Arias (U. Barcelona)


    30 January 2025

    16:00, Hybrid

  • Regressive Clock: knowledge and tracking truth

    Taís Regina Chiodelli (Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil)


    13 February 2025

    16:00, Hybrid

  • Discussion of the paper "The cognitive functions of language" by Peter Carruthers

    Daphne Bernués (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)


    06 March 2025

    16:00, Hybrid

  • Meta-internalist Conceptual Engineering

    Duccio Calosi (U. Barcelona)


    13 March 2025

    16:00, Hybrid

  • Worries about Loev's affectivist account of intuitions

    Andrea Huete (U. Barcelona)


    10 April 2025

    16:00, Hybrid

  • Explaining unintentional inner speech

    Daphne Bernués (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)


    15 May 2025

    16:00, Hybrid

  • What is Internalized stigma and what is not? Ameliorating the concept!

    Pol Herrero (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)


    22 May 2025

    16:00, Hybrid

  • The Computational Indeterminacy Problem Framed Under Complexity and Patterny Considerations

    Oriol Roca-Martín (U. Barcelona)


    29 May 2025

    16:00, Hybrid

  • Philosophical challenges of the semantics of words derived from proper names - Rafael Gutiérrez Martínez (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)


    05 June 2025

    16:00, Hybrid

  • Collapsing non-cognitivism about metaphysical explanation

    Markel Kortabarria (U. Barcelona)


    12 June 2025

    16:00, Hybrid