Scientific Models: Semantics and Ontology

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July 9-10 2007

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Monday July, 9th


09:45       Welcome

10:00       Ronald Giere (U. Minnesota)  An Agent-Based Account of Scientific Models and Representation

                Comment  Julian Reiss (U. Complutense)

11:20       Break

11:40       Martin Thomson-Jones (Oberlin C.)  Missing Systems and the Face Value Practice

                Comment  Nancy Cartwright (LSE)

13:00       Lunch

15:00      Anjan Chakravartty (U. Toronto)  Informational vs Inferential Theories of Scientific Representation

                Comment  José Díez (U. Barcelona)

16:20       Coffee break

16:40      Roman Frigg (LSE / U. Barcelona)  Fictionalism and Scientific Models

                Comment  David Teira (UNED)

20:30       Conference Dinner


Tuesday July, 10th


10:00       Stacie Friend (Birkbeck C.)  The Fiction in Fictionalism

                Comment  Kate Thomson-Jones (Oberlin C.)

11:20       Coffee break

11:40       Mauricio Suárez (U. Complutense)  Models and Fictions

                Comment Carl Hoefer (ICREA/UAB)

13:00       Lunch

15:00       Gabrielle Contesa (Rochester U.)  Scientific Models as Fictional Objects

                Comment  José Luis Falguera (U. Santiago)

16:20       Coffee Break

16:40       Adam Toon (Cambridge U.)  Models and Make-believe

                Comment  Manuel García-Carpintero (U. Barcelona)

18:00       Break

18:05       General discussion

19:00       Closure


All sessions will be held at the Laboratori de Filosofia (Facultat de Filosofia, UB)