Josep Anton Muñoz de la Fuente

Professor at the Universitat de Barcelona and Director of the Institut de Recerca Geomodels

My research lines are focused mainly in:

  1. Kinematics and dynamics evolution of orogens.

  2. 3D reconstruction of geological bodies.

  3. Structural characterization of thrust and fold systems


1981 Degree in Geology from the University of Barcelona
1982 Grade in Geology from the University of Barcelona

1985 Ph.D. in Geology from the University of Barcelona

Scholarships and professional status

1982 - 1984 Grant FPI

1983 (February-March) Scholarship for further studies abroad (CIRIT, Generalitat de Catalunya) for a study on the application of theoretical models of thrusting in the eastern Pyrenees. Stay at the London Polytechnic Institute. Contact: Dr. J. Hossack.

1985 Help for the completion of doctoral theses. Direcció General d'Ensenyament Universitari (Departament d'Ensenyament, Generalitat de Catalunya).

1988 (January to March) Scholarship Plan de Formación, Perfeccionamiento y Mobilidad. Geological resources. Further stay abroad (Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia). Stay at the Institute of Sedimentary and Petroleum Geology, Geological Survey of Canada (Calgary, Canada) and the University of British Columbia (Vancouver - Canada)

1988 (June - September) Scholarship for further studies abroad (CIRIT, Generalitat de Catalunya). Stay at the Geological Survey of Canada (Calgary and Vancouver)

2008 - present: Director of the Institute for Research Geomodels


1986-1989 Partner in the project ECORS (deep seismic cross section in the Central Pyrenees).

1991 (September) Organizing international course on the application of computers to the structural geology 'Microcomputers in the field'. COMTEC (UNESCO), Barcelona (UNI/2120/2002 Resolution of July 19)
1985-1990 Technical Partner Geological Survey of Catalunya.

1994 - present: Senior researcher at the Grup de Qualitat of Geodynamics and Basin Analysis.

2002 - Distinction for the Promotion of University Research. Generalitat de Catalunya

Dept. Dinàmica de la Terra i de l’Oceà

Facultat de Ciències de la Terra

Universitat de Barcelona

C/Martí i Franquès s/n

Barcelona 08028


Telf: (34) 93 4021394

Fax: (34) 93 4021340

