Elisabet Beamud Amorós
Research Technician at the Barcelona University, Paleomagnetic Laboratory CCiT UB-CSIC
My research lines are mainly focused in the application of Paleomagnetism to Basin Analysis and the study of the evolution of orogenic belts. I’ve carried out studies in the Pyrenees, Betic chain, Ebro, Duero and Tajo basins, Canary Islands, Zagros thrust and fold belt and Antarctica.
1998 Degree in Geology (Barcelona University)
2001 Diploma d’ ”Estudis Avançats”
Grants and professional degree
1999 - 2002 Grant “Formació de Personal Investigador” FPI (MCyT)
2002 until now– Research Technician UB
Stages abroad:
2000 – Paleomagnetic Laboratory “Institut of Geophysics de la Montanuniversitat de Leoben” (10 weeks)
2001 - Geology and Geophysics Department of the University of Edinburgh (8 weeks)