Data de realització

1 des. 2016




Sala de professors, 5è pis de l’Edifici Josep Carner, Facultat de Filologia (UB)


SPPAS is a multi-platform and public annotation software tool. It is designed for the needs of automatically producing annotations of speech at the level of utterance, word, syllable and phoneme based on the recorded speech sound and its orthographic transcription. In other words, it can automatize the phonetic transcription task for speech materials, as well as the alignment task of transcription with speech recordings for further acoustic analyses. Some special features are also offered for the analysis of any kind of annotated files, including statistics estimation and data filtering. In this presentation, special attention will be given to the corpus creation methodology and its practice. A short read-speech will be recorded in Catalan language during the presentation and it will be annotated and analyzed.


Grup d’Estudi de la Variació Dialectal (GEVAD, FFI2013-46987-C3-1-P), amb la col·laboració del Grup d’Estudi de la Variació (GEV, 2014SGR918)