UB 2015 sense fons petitFEHM logo

RiuNet is an interactive educational tool that guides any citizen in the assessment of the hydrological and ecological status of a river. At the same time, it is a Citizen science project since it provides scientific data to the researchers of the Freshwater Ecology, Hydrology and Management Research Group (FEHMlab) of the Department of Evolutionary Biology, Ecology and Environmental Sciences of the University of Barcelona.

Install RiuNet

You will find the RiuNet in the new application:

 RiuApp button

Android app on google play.svg

799px Available on the App Store black


With the support of:

LIFE TRiversAjBCN     logo recercaixa   logo footer fecyt    

Environment Prize of the Generalitat of Catalunya 2017

PremiMediAmbient2017 web


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