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Theme 1: Convivial space, transitional zone, Living Stage

Ceppi G. Zini M. alii (1998). Children, Spaces, Relations. Reggio Emilia: Reggio Children

Mannion, G. & I’anson, J. (2004). Beyond the Disneyesque: Children's participation, spatiality and adult-child relations. Childhood: A Global Journal of Child Research. 11(3), 303-318.

Schneekloth, L.H., Shibley, R.G. (1995). Placemaking: the art of practice of building communities. New York: Wiley.

Duncan, C. (1995) Civilizing rituals inside public art museums, Routledge

Csikszentmihalyi, M. (1990) Flow. The Psychology of Optimal Experience, Harper Perennial: New York

Gaver W. (1996) “Affordances for interaction: the social is material for design” Ecological Psychology Vol.8 No.2, pages 111-129, 1996

Gehl, J. (1996) Life between buildings. Using public space, København: Arkitektens
Goffman, E., (1981) Forms of talk, University of Pennsylvania Press: PhiladelphiaGolledge, R., Höök, K., “Place recognition and wayfinding: making sense of space” in Geoforum, 23, pp. 199-214
Marti, P. (2001) “Design for art and leisure”, Proceedings of ICHIM 01

Munro, A., Benyon, D. (ed.)(1999) Social Navigation: footprints in the snow, Springer.
PPS (Project for Public Spaces) (2001) How to turn a Place Around: A Handbook for Creating Successful Public Spaces http://www.pps.org/
Siegel, A.W., White, S.H. (1975) “The development of spatial representation of large-scale environments”, in Reese, H.W. (ed.) Advances in child development and behaviour, New York: Academic Press, 1975

Thomas, S., Mintz, A., (ed.) (1998) The Virtual and The Real: Media in Museum, American Association of Museum: Washington

Bettelheim, B. (1977). The uses of enchantment. The meaning and importance of fairy tales. New York. Vintage books.

Bruner J. (1986) Actual minds, possible worlds. Cambridge, Harvards University press.

Hall, E. T. 1983. The Dance of Life: The Other Dimension of Time. New York: Doubleday.
Harris, P. (2000) The work of the imagination. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing.

Iser, W. (1987). “Representation: A performative act”. In (Krieger, Ed.) The aims of representation: Subject/text/History. New York: Columbia University Press. Reissued 1993 Stanford, CA. Stanford University Press.

Malaguzzi,  L. and  Al.(1987) I cento linguaggi dei bambini: Narrativa del possibile. Proposte di bambini delle scuole comunali dell’infanzia di Reggio Emilia. Catalog for an exhibit. Reggio Emilia, Italy.

Oldenburg, R. (1989) The great good place: Cafes, Coffee Shops, Bookstores, Bars, Hair Salons, and Other Hangouts at the Heart of a Community (Paperback)

Piaget, J. ( 1962)  Play, Dreams, and Inmitation in Childhood. N.Y.: W. W. Norton and Company.

Sayeki, Y. (1989). Anthropomorphic Epistemology. Unpublished Paper. Laboratory of Comparative Human Cognition. University of California. San Diego, CA.

Taylor, M. (1999). Imaginary companions and the children who create them. New York: Oxford University Press.

Taylor, M., Hodges, S., and Kohanyi, A. (2001) “Minds of their own: The relations between fiction writers and the characters they create”. In Imagination and the adapted mind (Poreter Abbott, H. Ed.). Special double issue of SubStrance, March.

Watkins, M. (1986) Invisible Guests: The Development of Imaginal Dialogues. The Analytic Press. (Distributed solely by ) Hillsdale, NJ: Associates.Lawrence Erlbaum

Wertsch, James (1991)  “Voices of the Mind: A Sociocultural Approach to Mediated Action”. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Winnicott, D.W. (1971). Playing and  reality. London and Paris. Routledge.

Theme 2: Learning and growing – it takes a village to raise a child

Boru, J-J., & Leborgne, C. (1992). Vers l’entreprise tutrice. Paris : Editions Ententes.

Goodnow, J J., Miller, P. J. & Kessel F. Eds. (1995), Cultural practices as contexts for development, San Francisco: Jossey Bass (pp. 41-44)

Duranti, A. (1997). Linguistic Anthropology. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, Mass.

Kinnevy, S. & Morrow, H.N. (1999). Perceived benefits of intergenerational tutoring. Gerontology and Geriatrics Education. 20 (2): 3-17.

Lappé, F.M., Dubois, P.M. (1994). The quickening of America: rebuilding our nation, remaking our lives. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass publishers

Manheimer, R. (2004). Rope of Ashes: Global Aging, Generativity, and Education. In D. McAdams & al. (Eds.), The generative society: Caring for future generations (pp.115-130). Washington, DC, US: American Psychological Association.

Matthews, M.H., Limb,M. (1999). Defining an agenda for the geography of children: review and prospect. Progress in human geography, 23, 61-90

O.C.D.E. (2003). Vieillissement et politiques de l’emploi : Belgique. Paris : Author.

Stanton-Salazar, R. D. (1997). A social capital framework for understanding the socialization of racial minority children and youths. Harvard Education Review, 67, 1-39.

Wenger, E. (1998) Communities of Practice: Learning, Meaning, and Identity.

Wiley A., Rappaport,J. (2000). Empowerment, wellness and the politics of development. In D. Cicchetti, J. Rappaport, I. Sandler and R. Weissberg (Eds.), The promotion of wellness in children and adolescents. Washington, DC: Child welfare league of America, pp. 59-99.

Wyness,M. G. (1999). Childhood, agency and education reform. Childhood, 6, 353-368

Ackermann, E. (1996) “Perspective-Taking and Object Construction. Two Keys to Learning”, in Kafai, Resnick, (ed) Constructionism in Practice: Designing, Thinking and Learning in a Digital World, New Jersey: LEA

Brown, J.S., Collins, A., Duguid, P. (1989) “Situated cognition and the culture of learning”, Educational Researcher, v18 n1, pp.32-42, Jan-Feb, 1989

Carroll, J.M. (ed.)(1995) Scenario-based design, New York

Csikszentmihalyi, M. (1990) Flow. The Psychology of Optimal Experience, Harper Perennial: New York

Gibson, J.J. (1979) The ecological approach to visual perception, Houghton-Mifflin: Boston
Hein, G.E. (1991) “Constructivist Learning Theory”, Proceedings of the CECA Conference The Museum and the Needs of People, Jerusalem, 15-22 October 1991
Hein, G.E. (1995) “The Constructivist Museum”, Journal for Education in Museums No.16, pp.21-23, 1995
Hein, G.E. (1998) Learning in the Museum Routledge: London

Kafai, Y., Resnick, M. (ed.) (1996)  Constructionism in Practice: Designing, Thinking and Learning in a Digital World, New Jersey: LEA

Leinhardt, G., Crowley, K. (1998) “Museum Learning As Conversational Elaboration: A Proposal to Capture, Code and Analyse Talk in Museums” Museum Learning Technical Report MLC-01, November 1998

Norman, D.A., (1988) The Psychology of Everyday Things, New York: Basic BooKs

Reese, H.W. (ed.) Advances in child development and behaviour,New York: Academic Press, 1975

Semper, R.J. (1990) “Science Museums as Environments for Learning”, Physics Today, vol.43, no. 11, pp.50-56, November 1990

Véron, E., Levasseur, M. (1983) Ethnographie de l’exposition, B.P.I. Paris
Vom Lehn D., Heat C. (2001) “Studying Visitor behaviour in museums and galleries”, Symbolic Interaction

White, W. (1980) The social life of small urban spaces, Washington DC: The Conservation Foundation

Ackermann, E. (2004)Constructing knowledge and transforming the world”. I n(Tokoro, M.; Steels, L. Eds.).  A learning zone of one’s own: Sharing representations and flow in collaborative learning environmernts. IOS Press, Amsterdam, Berlin… Part 1. Chapt.2. 15-37.

Edwards, L. 1994. Microworlds as representations. Santa Cruz: Crown College, UCCalifornia.

Harel, I., and Papert, S. (Eds) (1991). Constructionism  Norwood, N.J. : Ablex Publishing Co.

Kegan, R. (1982). The Evolving Self. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

Norman, D. (1988) The design of everyday things. New York: Doubleday (hard copy was published by basic books).pp. 9-12.

Theme 3: Going digital. Projections into the future

Aarts, E., Marzano, S. (editors) (2003) The New Everyday Views on Ambient Intelligence. Rotterdam: 010publishers

Boechler, P. (2001) How Spatial is Hyperspace? Interacting with Hypertext Documents: Cognitive Processes and Concepts, Cyberpsychology and Behaviour, Special Issue: Mind in the Web, Vol. 4, n.1, pag. 23-46.

Barrass, S. (2001) “An immersive interactive experience of contemporary aboriginal dance at National Museum of Australia”, in Proceedings of ICHIM 2001

Bly, S., Harrison, S., Irwin, S. (1993) “Media Spaces: Bringing people together in a Video, Audio, Computing Environment” Communication of the ACM, Vol.36 No.1, New York: ACM, January 1993

Buxton, W. (1997) “Living in Augmented Reality: Ubiquitous Media and Reactive Environments”, in K. Finn, A. Sellen & S. Wilber (ed.) Video Mediated Communication, Hillsdale, N.J.: Erlbaum, 363-384

Carlsson, C., Hagsand, O. (1993) “DIVE: A Platform for Multi-User Virtual Environments”, Computer Graphics, 17 (6), pages 663-669, 1993

Ciolfi, L., Bannon, L., Hindmarsh, J., Heath C., vom Lehn, C., Best, K., Hall, T. (2001) “Technologies in Public Spaces” in Hindmarsh, J. (Ed) (2001) Interaction as a Public Phenomenon, Shape Deliverable D2.1, Project IST-FET-Disappearing Computer 26069

Dahley, A., Wisnesky, C., Ishii, H. (1998) “Water lamp and pinwheels: ambient projection of digital information into architectural space”, ACM Press, Proceedings of CHI’98

Dourish, P., Bly, S. (1992) “Portholes: Supporting the Awareness in a Distributed Work Group”, in Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems CHI’92 (Monterey, Calif.), pages 541-547, New York: ACM

Gaver, W. (1992) “The affordances of Media Spaces for Collaboration” Proceedings of ACM Conference on CSCW, Toronto, Canada, November 1992

Greenhalg, C., Benford, S. (1995) “MASSIVE: A Collaborative Virtual Environment for Teleconferencing“, ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, 2 (3), pages 239-261, 1995

Harrison, S., Dourish, P. (1996) “Re-place-ing space: the role of place and space in collaborative systems” Proceedings of CSCW’96, New York: ACM press

Heath C., vom Lehn, C., Hindmarsh, J., Luff, P., “Crafting Participation: Interaction with and around artistic, mixed media artefacts”, in  Hindmarsh, J. (Ed) (2001) Interaction as a Public Phenomenon, Shape Deliverable D2.1, Project IST-FET-Disappearing Computer 26069

Hindmarsh, J. (Ed) (2001) Interaction as a Public Phenomenon, Shape Deliverable D2.1, Project IST-FET-Disappearing Computer 26069

Ishii, H., Ullmer B. (1997) “Tangible Bits: Towards Seamless Interfaces between People, Bits and Atoms”, Proceedings of CHI’97

Ishii, H., Wisnesky, C., Brave, S., Dahley, A., Gorbet, M., Ullmer,B.,
Yarin, P. (1998) “ambientRoom: Integrating Ambient Media with Architectural Space”, in Conf. Summary of CHI’98, ACM

Jancke, G., Venolia, G.D., Cadiz, J.J., Grudin, J., Gupta, A. (2000) “Linking Public Spaces: Technical and Social Issues”, Technical Report, Redmond: Microsoft Research

Koleva, B., Taylor, I., Benford, S., Fraser, M., Greenhalgh, C., Schnädelbach, H.,vom Lehn, D., Heath, C., Row-Farr, J., Adams, M. (2001) “Orchestrating a mixed reality performance” ACM Press, Proceedings of CHI’2001Seattle, ACM Press

Laurel, B. (1993) Computer as theatre, Reading, Mass: Addison-Wesley

Laurel, B. (ed.), (1990) The art of human computer interface design, Addison-Wesley

Norman, D.A. (1993) Things That make Us Smart. Defending Human Attributes in the Age of the Machine, Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley

Norman, D.A. (1998) The invisible computer, Reading, Mass.: The MIT Press

Papert, S. (1993) The children’s machine: rethinking school in the age of the computer, New York, Basic Books.

Resnick, M. (1998) “Technologies for lifelong kindergarten” Educational Technology Research & Development, vol.46, no.4, 1998

Sawhney, N., Wheeler, S., Schmandt, C. (2000) “Aware Community Portals: shared information for transitional spaces”, Proceedings of CHI’2000

Schulz, D., Burgard, W., Fox, D., Thrun, S., Cremers, A.B. (2000) “Web interfaces for Mobile Robots in Public Places” IEEE Robotics & Automaton Magazine, March 2000

Semper, R.J. (1998) “Designing Hybrid Environments: Integrating Media Spaces into Exhibition Space”, in Thomas, S., Mintz, A., (ed.) (1998) The Virtual and The Real: Media in Museum, American Association of Museum: Washington

Serrel, B., Raphling, B. (1992) “Computer on the exhibit floor” The Curator vol.35, n.3, pp.181-189, 1992

Sparacino et al. (2000a) “Media in performance: interactive spaces for dance, theater, circus and museum exhibits” IBM Systems Journal Vol.39, Nos. 3 & 4, 2000

Sparacino, F., Davenport, G., Pentland, A. (1997) “Wearable Performance”, International Symposium on Wearable Computers, Cambridge, Massachusetts, October 13-14, 1997

Sparacino, F., Davenport, G., Pentland, A. (2000b) “Wearable Cinema/Wearable City: bridging physical and virtual spaces through wearable computing” IMAGINA 2000, invited presentation, Montecarlo, 31 gennaio-3 febbraio 2000

Sparacino, F., Larson, K., MacNeil, R., Davenport, G., Pentland, A. (1999) “Technologies and methods for interactive exhibit design: from wireless object and body tracking to wearable computer”, International Conference on Hypertext and Interactive museums, ICHIM99, Washington, DC, Sept. 22-26, 1999

Turk, M. (1998) “Moving From GUIs to PUIs”, Technical Report MSR-TR-98-69 Invited paper, Symposium on Intelligent Information Media, Tokyo, Japan, December 1998

Turk, M., Robertson, G. (2000) “Perceptual user interfaces” Communication of the ACM, marzo 2000,vol.43, No.3

Turkle, S. (1984), Second Self:  Computers and the Human Spirit. NewYork, N.Y.: Simon and Schuster.

Turkle, S. (1995). Life on the Screen. New York: Simon and Schuster.

Weiser, M. (1991) The computer of the 21° century, Scientific American

Weiser, M., Brown, J.S. (1995) “Designing Calm Technology” December 21, 1995

Wisnesky, C., Ishii, H., Dahley, A., Gorbet, M., Brave, S., Ullmer,B., Yarin, P.(1998) “Ambient displays: turning architectural space into an interface between people and digital information” Proceedings of the international workshop on cooperative buildings (CoBuild 1998), Springer, LNCS

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