seminars editions exhibitions observatory research |
de Recerca Polis - Polis Research Centre - Centro de Investigación Polis |
En les eleccions celebrades el proppassat mes de juny la Dra. MONTSERRAT SIMO SOLSONA va estar elegida nova directora del Cr POLIS En las elecciones celebradas el pasado mes de junio la Dra. MONTSERRAT SIMO SOLSONA fue elegida nueva directora del Cr. POLIS In the elections held
SOLSONA was elected new director of Cr POLIS |
Elke Loeffler (Senior Lecturer at the University of Strathclyde, Scotland, and Director of the non-profit organization Governance International.) and Tony Bovaird (Emeritus Professor of Public Management and Policy at the University of Birmingham, UK, and Chief Executive of Governance International), are the editors of this new book by Palgrave. |
This Handbook provides a comprehensive and authoritative account of the movement towards co-production of public services and outcomes, a topic which has recently become one of the most intensely debated in public management and administration, both in practice and in the academic literature. It explores in depth the processes of co-commissioning, co-design, co-delivery and co-assessment as major approaches to co-production through citizen voice and citizen action and as key mechanisms in the co-creation of public value. The key debates in the field are fully explored in chapters from over 50 eminent authors in the field, who examine the roots of co-production in the social sciences, the growth of co-production in policy and practice, its implementation and management in the public domain, and its governance, including its negative aspects (the ‘dark side’ of co-production). A final section discusses different aspects of the future research agenda for co-production. Antoni Remesar (CR POLIS- CRIT) wrote chapter 17th “Co-design of Public Spaces with Local Communities” . This chapter explores the possibilities for co-designing public space with local communities, starting from the experience that the POLIS Research Centre has built up over 20 years working in various neighbourhoods in the Barcelona Metropolitan Area. POLIS has developed its interdisciplinary public participation activity in the fields of urban design and public art within the framework of Urban Regeneration processes. It explores the implementation of creative strategies for citizen participation, that can be encompassed under the concept of urban governance, which we take to refer to the quality of participation necessary ‘to ensure that political, social and economic priorities are based on a broad consensus in society and that the voices of the excluded, poorest and most vulnerable are heard in decision–making’ (UNDP in Governance for Sustainable Development: Integrating Governance in the Post-2015 Development Framework, United Nations Development Programme, New York, 2014, 4) and fousses on the present research process at the Bon Pastor Neighbourhood in Barcelona. |
JCI Q2 Architecture 2022 CITE SCORE 2023
Visual Arts Urban Studies
Geography, Planning
University of Lodz Universidad de la Costa Universidad de Costa Rica |
Un territorio cambiante En el marco del festival artístico "BonViver de les Arts", la Asociación de vecinos i vecinas del Bon Pastor, propuso la presentación de una primera exposicón acerca de la historia del barrio. Esta exposición que abarca la evolución de territorio desde sus inicios habitados hasta la década de 1960, es un primer paso de la actividades que desarrollará el "Archivo de la Memoria" y que ya ha dado sus primeros pasos en el marco del proyecto estratégico "Fem la memòria del Bon Pastor". La exposición debía inaugurarse en 23 de marzo en el Centro Cívico del barrio, pero la pandemia COVID19 y las medidas de confinamiento lo impidieron. Ahora, crucemos los dedos, la paulatina normalización de la la vida cotidiana va a permitir que la exposición se presente a los vecinos. Lugar: Centro Cívico del Bon Pastor. Plaça Robert Gerhard, 3, Barcelona 21 a 30 de septiembre prorrogable. Horarios Lunes a viernes de 10 a 14.30 y de 16 a 21.30. Sábados de 10 a 14 horas y de 16 a 20 horas Consultar si se requiere cita previa. Vistia Virtual(PDF) |
Bon Pastor Making a neighborhood Within the framework of the artistic festival "BonViver de les Arts", the Bon Pastor's Neighbourghs Association, proposed the presentation of a first exhibition about the history of the neighborhood. This exhibition, which covers the evolution of the territory from its inhabited beginnings to the 1960s, is a first step in the activities that the "Center for Documentation and Remembrance Archive" will carry out and which has already taken its first steps within the framework of the strategic project "Fem la memòria del Bon Pastor". The exhibition was supposed to open on March 23 at the neighborhood's Civic Center, but the COVID19 pandemic and confinement measures prevented this presentation. Now, fingers crossed, the gradual normalization of daily life will allow the exhibition to be presented to the neighbours. Place: Community Center of Bon Pastor. Plaça Robert Gerhard, 3, Barcelona September 21 to 30, extendable. Hours: Monday to Friday from 10 a.m. to 2.30 p.m. and from 4 p.m. to 9.30 p.m. Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. Check if an appointment is required. Virtual Tour (PDF) | |
Institut Rubió i Tudurí Passeig
de Mollerussa, 71, 08030
Barcelona Institut Escola el Til·ler Passeig de Mollerussa, 1, 08030 Barcelona Mercat del Bon Pastor. Carrer de Sant Adrià 154, 08030 Barcelona Biblioteca del Bon Pastor.Carrer de l'Estadella, 64, 08030 Barcelona Poliesportiu del Bon Pastor. Carrer Costa Daurada, 12, 08030Barcelona Casal de la Gent Gran del Bon Pastor.Carrer Mollerussa 1-3 08030 Barcelona |
11 -25 Nov. 2020 25 març - 21 juny 2021 9 juliol -10 setembre 2021 12 setembre 2021 - 27 febrer 2022 7 Març 2022 -11 octubre 2022 23 Gener - 23 Febrer 2023 |
EXHIBITION POLIS. 20 YEARS WORKING WITH NEIGHBOURS I.- POLAND Opening: 3/5 Lindleya Street, Institute of Philosophy, 3rd floor assembly hall. University of Lodz In exhibition till 24 /11/2018 II. COSTA RICA Facultad de Arquitectura. Universidad de Costa Rica. 25/01/2019 -25/02/2019 III. ESPAÑA Barcelona, Facultad de Bellas Artes 11/09/2019 - 10/02/2020 |
a ras de suelo
Danae Esparza
redonda "Gobernanza urbana y participación ciudadana" en el curso de la
UIU "Smarts Cities" (14/07/2017) Carregant vídeo...
Participantes: Tomeu Vidal. CR POLIS. Carme Turégano. Gerente Distrito Sant Andreu M.A. Lozano. Coord. Plan de Barrios Baró de Viver- Bon Pastor Josep Capsir. AA.VV.Bon Pastor Joan Roca. Director MUHBA |
Art &
proyecto "FEM LA MEMÒRIA DEL BON PASTOR" 23/02/2018 Ver VIdeo: |
Hacia una participación ciudadana.
Experiencias, retos y oportunidades
PIERDE SU NOMBRE IDEAS DE ESPACIO PÚBLICO PARA EL BON PASTOR (Trabajos Máster Diseño Urbano) 9/11/2018 Biblioteca del Bon Pastor (Download) EXPOSICIÓN "BARÓ DE VIVER & BON PASTOR. COHESION URBANA. CONSTRUYENDO LA MEMORIA" Centro Cultural "LA MONJA". Benemérita Universidad de Puebla (México). 1 de junio a 1 de julio, 2018 Download catalogue BARCELONA, MIRADA DES D'ARRAN DE TERRA Danae Esparza ha publicat una investigació que revela alguns secrets dels panots que hi ha a la ciutat (BTV) |
2004.- Al web (Ajuntament de Barcelona/Urbanisme, Universitat de Barcelona/Centre de Recerca Polis). Perquè constitueix una contribució decisiva a la posta en valor de l'art públic de la ciutat de Barcelona mitjançant un estudi multidisciplinar en el marc de les TIC. |
Llibres d’autoria col·lectiva: Art públic de Barcelona, Àmbit Serveis Editorials, Barcelona (2009). |
El Consell Plenari celebrat el passat 5 de maig, va acordar atorgar la Medalla d'Honor de Barcelona al Grup Promotor del Monument a la Presó de Dones de les Corts. Amb aquest guardó, la ciutat expressa el reconeixement a les persones o entitats que destaquen pel seu compromís i la seva la vocació de servei a ta ciutat. Ver noticia UB |
UBICACIÓ - NUEVA UBICACIÓN- NEW LOCATION Facultat d’Economia i Empresa John-Maynard Keynes 1-11. 08034 Barcelona Directora: Montserrat Simó ( |
HAR2017-88672-R HAR2012-30874 HAR2011-14431-E HUM2009-13989-C02-01 HUM2006-12803-C02-01 HUM2005-00420 HUM2004-22086-E BHA2002-00520 PB98-1251 PB95-0897 |
/EC M-URB/2162/2014 EXPL/CPC-HAT/0191/2013 PEst-OE/EAT/UI0417/2011 PTDC/CCI/68595/2006 |
(c) Cr POLIS. Universitat de Barcelona, 2015-2023 Centre de Recerca POLIS is licensed under a Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-SinObraDerivada 4.0 Internacional License. Creado a partir de la obra en |