story about how two worker’s neighbourhoods, two popular
neighbourhoods, have faced the recovery of their social memory.
That common memory that largely helps to explain where they came from,
who they are and where they go.
The two neighbourhoods share
origin. It was in 1929 when Housing Patronage of Barcelona, built four
settlements of low income houses (called Cheap Houses). Two
of them along the Besòs river.
smaller one, Baró de Viver; the larger one Bon Pastor, first
called Milans del Bosch. Barò de Viver referring to the Mayor of
Barcelona at the time. Milans del Bosch in honour of general and Civil
Governor of the province. All this during the dictatorship of General
Primo de Rivera and when Barcelona opened up its second International
Baró de Viver and Bon Pastor are located
at the North side of Barcelona, in the disctrict of Sant Andreu. The
arrival of the high speed train (HST) to the district of Sant Andreu,
where there will be one of two stations in Barcelona, the new Sagrera
station, will mean a turning point for the district.
The planned urban changes linked to this project have already begun to
stress down their territorial reality. The changes will affect part of
neighbourhoods of La Sagrera and Sant Andreu, and the limits between
this last one and the neighbourhoods of Bon Pastor and Baró de
Viver, along the large linear park overlying the railway line.
Bon Pastor is also affected by a major project of
urban regeneration: the rehousing of the inhabitants of all the
low income houses in new buildings located in the same area.
Bon Pastor and Barò de Viver are completing
the social and public space programmes within the Neighbourhood
Act promoted by the Generalitat of Catalonia.
Bon Pastor - Baró de Viver
Proyectos para la mejora de la conectividad urbana
Las políticas de
empleo y de servicios sociales no bastan
para impulsar la cohesión urbana de un territorio. El simple diseño de
partes del territorio no bastan para concretar la cohesión urbana. Ni lo uno ni
lo otro. Ambos dos, si queremos evitar que el territorio tienda a la
segregación social; si no queremos que el territorio se degrade por más
urbanismo táctico que empleemos.
Los trabajos parten
de esta i
dea aunque, como resultado de un Master en Diseño Urbano , prioricen el
"hacer ciudad ", el diseño y
la construcción del espacio público que posibilitará la integración territorial;
un espacio público que se convertirá en garante de la visibilidad , de la accesibilidad
y de la conectividad entre los barrios
de Baró de Viver y de Bon Pastor y de ellos con el resto de la ciudad. Un
espacio público integrador del espacio residencial y del espacio productivo.
Los proyectos
proponen una base de ideas para que el trabajo cooperativo y participativo
entre vecinos y administración consiga la cohesión urbana dentro del proceso de
regeneración urbana de este territorio.
Employment policies and social services
are not enough to promote the urban
cohesion of a territory. The simple design
of parts of the territory are not sufficient
to realize the urban cohesion. Neither one
nor the other. Both two, if we want to
prevent the territory slippage towards
urban segregation unless we want a
deterioration the territory although we
employ a tactical urbanism.
The works are based on this idea though,
as a result of a M.A. in Urban Design , we prioritize the "city making ",
the design and the construction of public space ale to produce a
territorial integration; a public space that will become a guarantor of
visibility , accessibility and connectivity between Baró de Viver and Bon Pastor neighbourhoods
and between them and the rest of the city. An inclusive public space of
residential space and productive space. The projects propose a base of
ideas for a cooperative and participatory work between neighbours and
administration searching for urban cohesion in the process of urban
regeneration of this area.
Les polítiques d'ocupació i de
serveis socials no són suficients
per impulsar la cohesió urbana
d'un territori. El simple disseny
de parts del territori no és
suficient per concretar la cohesió
urbana. Ni una cosa ni l'altra.
Tots dos si volem evitar que el
territori tendeixi a la segregació
social; si no volem que el
territori es degradi per més
urbanisme tàctic que emprem.
Els treballs parteixen d'aquesta
idea tot i que, com a resultat
d'un Màster en Disseny Urbà ,
prioritzin el "fer ciutat" , el
disseny i la construcció de
l'espai públic que possibilitarà la
integració territorial; un espai
públic que es convertirà en
garant de la visibilitat, de
l'accessibilitat i de la
connectivitat entre els barris de
Baró de Viver i del Bon Pastor i
d'ells amb la resta de la ciutat.
Un espai públic integrador de
l'espai residencial i de l'espai
Els projectes proposen una base
d'idees perquè el treball
cooperatiu i participatiu entre
veïns i administració
aconsegueixi la cohesió urbana
dins del procés de regeneració
urbana d'aquest territori
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13 - 24 Octubre 2015
Biblioteca del Bon Pastor
Carrer de l'Estadella, 62
08030 Barcelona
Dilluns i Dijous, 16 -21 h
Dimarts i Divendres, 10 -14 h; 16-21h
Dimecres, 10-21h
Dissabte, 10-14 h