Maria Alejandra Tapia Montesinos (20/07/2023)
Application of 2D pnictogenic materials as modifiers of screen-printed electrodes for the development of electrochemical sensors.
Directors: José Manuel Díaz-Cruz i Núria Serrano
Clara Pérez-Ràfols (8/11/2019)
Development of sensors and voltammetric electronic tongues for the determination of metal ions in samples of environmental interest.
Supervision: José Manuel Díaz-Cruz and Núria Serrano
Velia Sosa Gómez (21/05/2015)
Application of voltammetric techniques with screen-printed electrodes to heavy metal speciation in natural samples.
Supervision: Cristina Ariño and Núria Serrano
Santiago Cavanillas López (25/11/2014)
Development of methodologies and chemometric tools for the treatment of non-linear electrochemical data: Application to systems of biological and environmental interest.
Supervision: Cristina Ariño and José Manuel Díaz-Cruz
Àngela Dago Busquets (14/02/2014)
Application of electrochemical detection to the study of phytochelatins and their metal complexes in synthetic and natural samples.
Supervision: Cristina Ariño
link Rui Jorge Coelho Gusmão (18/12/2012)
Complexation of metal ions with mixtures of phytochelatins, their fragments and selenocystin. Voltammetric study-multivariate resolution of curves, in combination with spectrometric and calorimetric techniques.
Supervision: Miquel Esteban and José Manuel Díaz-Cruz
Arístides Alberich Herranz (21/2/2011)
New electroanalytical and chemometric strategies applied to systems of difficult resolution. Complexation of phytochelatins with lead.
Supervision: José Manuel Díaz-Cruz and Cristina Ariño
Anna Maria Garrigosa García (5/3/2010)
Applications of electrochemical techniques in the study of the complexation of heavy metals in the presence of electrodic adsorption.
Supervision: José Manuel Díaz-Cruz and Cristina Ariño
Elena Chekmeneva (6/2009)
Application of voltammetry / multivariate curve resolution, ESI-MS and isothermal calorimetric titration to the study of the complexation of phytochelatins and synthetic model compounds.
Supervision: Miquel Esteban
Olga González García (26/11/2008)
New devices and methodologies for electrochemical detection in flow systems.
Supervision: José Manuel Díaz-Cruz and Cristina Ariño
Núria Serrano Plana (19/2/2007)
Application of voltammetric and chronopotenciometric stripping techniques to metal ion speciation.
Supervision: José Manuel Díaz-Cruz and Cristina Ariño
Boris H. Cruz Vásquez (26/9/2003)
Study of the complexation of heavy metals with macromolecules of plant origin of environmental interest.
Supervision: José Manuel Díaz-Cruz and Miquel Esteban
Silvia Díaz Cruz (2001)
Application of electrochemical and chemometric techniques to the study of the complexation of peptides of high sulfur content.
Supervision: Jesús Mendieta and Miquel Esteban
Francisco Berbel Jiménez (16/10/2000)
Speciation of heavy metals in complexing media.
Supervision: José Manuel Díaz-Cruz and Cristina Ariño