

This journal does not charge APCs or submission charges of any kind.


All submissions should follow the following format:

File format for submission of papers is Microsoft Word and must be submitted electronically to Sue Ballyn at You should send the article as one document with no indication of name or anything which may identify you as author. In a separate document you should submit your name, institutional afiliation if appropriate, e.mail address and a brief personal biography to be used if the article is accepted. The biography should be single spaced and in Times New Roman 12 point.



Page Settings


Article Length Paper Format


The full paper must be formatted for A4 paper using Microsoft Word (.doc file) and should be between 8.500-10.000 words in length (excluding Title, Abstract, Tables and References)


Paper size, Margins, Alignment



A4 page. Top and bottom margins, 2 cm. Left and right margins, 3 cm

All text single-spaced, fully aligned


Title, Abstract


Paper Title

14pt, italics, centred, sentence case. Name 12pt bold Place two lines after title and centered



The word ‘Abstract’ should be first in bold, 12 pt, followed by a colon (Abstract:) and then the text of the Abstract



Three words or phrases should be provided to facilitate indexing and refereeing. Leave two blank lines after the Keywords and begin Main text


Main text

Font style Times or Times New Roman, 12pt, single-spaced, fully aligned. Place one line space between paragraphs. DO NOT INDENT the first line of each paragraph


Headers, Footers, and Page Numbers

Please do not use headers, foooters, or page numbers.

Headings and subheadings

Any headings should be separated by a double space above and below. They should be boldfaced. The main headings should be typed in 14-point font; second level titles in 12-point. Please avoid third level headings, however, if there are other sub-levels, they should be typed in 11-point font


Long Quotes

(roughly, quotes of 30 words or more)

12pt, indented 1 cm left and right



Please avoid using footnotes. If unavoidable, make endnotes at the end of the article


Appendices and References



They should follow the same guidelines as the Main Text


Tables and Figures


Tables and figures should be placed, when possible, in the body of the text. Captions in 12pt, bold, sentence case, left aligned


Diagrams, illustrations, graphs etc. must be ibe directly inserted into the word format text.
The Author must have copyright for all images used.




This journal is unusual in that articles may use any of the main reference formats such as MLA or Harvard etc. The only factor which is of great importance is that the references be consistent within the reference section of the article and the main body of the text.




Acknowledgements can be made after the References. Use Body Text style.


Biographical Data on Authors


This should go at the end of the article in Alphabetical order of Family name
Use Body Text Style. Please remember that biographiocal data should be sent in a sperarte file. See the first paragraph above.

BOOK REVIEWS are welcome and should follow the format above. The Review should have the title of the book reviewed, the date ofd publication, place, publisher, ISBN number in Times New Roman 14 point italics. The reviewers name should be separated by two spaces after the title in Times New Roman Bold.
Reviews should have a minimum of 1.000 words.