Títol del projecte: “The Underground: Lived Religion on the Margins of State and Society”
Descripció de la recerca : Using the cutting-off computer technologies of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR), this multidisciplinary collaboration is designed to disseminate research on the religious underground in Ukraine through the lens of the Soviet secret police archives recently opened in Ukraine. The aim of the project to create the digital VR exhibition that explores lived religion on the territorial and symbolic margins of the Soviet state and socialist society. By embarking on a journey to the secret police case files, the exhibition explores lost and invisible aspects of religious heritage of Ukraine. It will also explore how the secret police, through their use of visual, graphic and textual materials, constructed religious dissent and marginality.
Investigadors: investigador principal – Dr. Tatiana Vagramenko (Universitat de Barcelona); investigadors – Dr. James Kapalo (University College Cork, Irlanda); Dr. Selma Rizvic (University of Sarajevo, Bosnia y Herzegovina); Dr. Roman Skakun (Ukrainian Catholic University, Ucrania).
Entitat financiadora: Center for Governance and Culture in Europe (GCE), Research Dissemination Grant Program “Borderland Studies in Eastern Europe and the Black Sea Region”.
Finançament: 5.000 euros
Període: 01/06/2021-01/12/2021