Lines of research

I investigate the bodily interactions between humans and non-humans as a central dimension of the different forms of socio-ecological organization. I have been working in the field since 2006 in Amazonia with ribeirinhos and quilombolas, and more recently (2017-) in Collserola, with ‘peri-urban’ wild boars and all the social and ecological actors that surround them. My work is located at the intersection of environmental anthropology, body anthropology and multi-species ethnography.

I am currently the coordinator of the HOLB network (Human and Other living Beings EASA Network)


(2022) ARREGUI, A. G. Activating Dark Earths: Somatosoils and the Carbonic Loops of Amazonian Ecologies. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 28 (3): NS (forthcoming)

(2021) ARREGUI, A .G. The Quilombola Movement: Sensing Futures in Afroindigenous Amazonia. Ethos, 48: 336-356.

(2020) ARREGUI, A. G. Conectando con la Amazonia transparente. El cuerpo afroindígena y la comunicación más allá de las élites. Revista Española De Antropología Americana, 50, 291-306. https://doi.org/10.5209/reaa.70442

(2020) ARREGUI, A.G. Chua, Liana and Mathur, Nayanika (eds.) 2018. Who are ‘we’? Reimagining alterity and affinity in anthropology. New York: Berghahn Books. 264 pp. Hb.: US$135.00. ISBN: 978‐1‐78533‐888‐5. Social Anthropology, 28: 532-534. https://doi.org/10.1111/1469-8676.12774.

(2020) ARREGUI, A. Oscar de la Torre, The People of the River: Nature and Identity in Black Amazonia, 1835–1945 (Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 2018), pp. xiii 225, pb. Journal of Latin American Studies, 52(3), 697-699. doi:10.1017/S0022216X20000851

(2020) ARREGUI, A.G. Review: Roy Wagner 2019. La invención de la cultura. Traducción y prólogo de Pedro Pitarch. Madrid: Nola. 331 pp. Disparidades. Revista de Antropología Social. Vol 75. Num 1

(2020) ARREGUI, A.G. Viralscapes. The bodies of others after COVID-19. Allegra Lab. March 31, 2020

(2019) ARREGUI, A. G. Positional Wildness. Amazonian Ribeirinhos, Pink Dolphins and Interspecies Affections. Ethnos. Journal of Anthropology.

(2019) ARREGUI, A. G. This Mess is a ‘World’! Environmental Diplomats in the Mud of Anthropology. In: Indigenous Perceptions of the End of the World. Creating a Cosmopolitics of Change. Palgrave Studies in Anthropology of Sustainability. Rosalyn Bold (Ed). London: Palgrave Macmillan.

(2018) ARREGUI, A. G. Embodying Equivocations: Ecopolitical Mimicries of Climate Science and Shamanism. Anthropological Theory.

(2018) ARREGUI, A. G. (ed.) Decolonial Heritage: Natures, Cultures and the Asymmetries of Memory. Münster: Waxmann. (with Gesa Mackenthun and Stephanie Wodianka)

(2018) ARREGUI, A. G. Ribeirinho Hunting Techno-Animism. On the Inexact Lines of Amazonian Modernity. In: South-American Indigenous Modernities. Ernst Halbmayer. (ed.) pp: 164-183. Herefordshire: Sean Kingston Publishing.

(2018) ARREGUI, A. G. “Displaced Bodies, Imprinted worlds”. Video-essay (10 min) for Displacements. The 2018 Biennial Conference of the Society of Cultural Anthropology, 19-21 April 2018.

(2018) ARREGUI, A. G. Introduction. In: Decolonial Heritage: Natures, Cultures and the Asymmetries of Memory.pp: 7-28. Münster: Waxmann. (with Gesa Mackenthun and Stephanie Wodianka).

(2018) ARREGUI, A. G. Cultivating the Sky. In: Decolonial Heritage: Natures, Cultures and the Asymmetries of Memory. pp: 257-273. Münster: Waxmann.

(2015) ARREGUI, A. G. Amazonian Quilombolas and the Technopolitics of Aluminum. Journal of Material Culture. 20(3):149-172

(2014) ARREGUI, A. G. ‘Teoría’, ‘Inteligencia’ y ‘Ciencia’ como Índices Bajo Amazónicos del Conocimiento Incorporado. Amazônica – Revista de Antropologia. 6 (1): 90-108

(2014) ARREGUI, A. G. Nature-Culture-Ecologies: Heritage in Transcultural Contexts. In H/Soz/kult. Kommunikation und Fachinformation für die Geschichtswissenschaften. (with Andrea Nicolas)

(2014) ARREGUI, A. G. Digging into the Smartness: A Short Technopolitical History of Vienna’s Urban Lakeside. Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Urban Planning and Re-gional Development in the Information Society. 21-23 May, Vienna, Austria. http://www.corp.at

(2013) ARREGUI, A. G. La Selva Tecnológica: Sistemas Sociotécnicos y Antropología Simétrica en Comunidades Ribereñas del Bajo Amazonas. Barcelona: Tesis Doctorals en Xarxa (TDX).

(2012) ARREGUI, A. G. Paz implícita y violencia imaginada en comunidades quilombolas del río Erepecurú. In: La paz dede abajo. Perspectivas antropológicas sobre la paz en contextos indígenas y afroamericanos. Canals, R; Celigueta, G; & Orobitg, G. (ed.). Pp. 39-43. Barcelona: Publicacions de la Universitat de Barcelona.

(2012) ARREGUI, A. G. Book review: MARTÍNEZ MAURI, Mònica; LARREA KILLIGER, Cristina (2011) An-tropología social, desarrollo y cooperación internacional. Introducción a los funda-mentos básicos y debates actuales”. AIBR Revista de Antropología Iberoamericana 7 (2), p. 248-253

(2011) ARREGUI, A. G. La Selva Parcelada: Reforma Agraria y Fragmentación Social en el Bajo Amazonas”. In: Horizontes do Brazil- Escenarios, Intercambios y Diversidad. Barcelona: Ediciones APEC, p. 389-403

(2011) ARREGUI, A. G. Too ‘High’ Tech: Metonymical Fallacies and Fetishism in the Perception of Technol-ogy”. Journal of Contemporary Anthropology 2(1): 46-62.

(2008) ARREGUI, A. G. La Tecnología en el Cuerpo: Biomecánica de los Quilombolas en dos Selvas Brasile-ñas. (Con)textos: Revista d’Antropologia i Investigació Social 1: 23-40.

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