Postdoctoral advising:
Sònia de Caralt (2010-2012).
Juan de la Cierva postdoctoral research
Patrick Erwin (2010-2011).
NSF Postdoctoral researcher
Marc Rius (2011-2013).
Marie Curie Postdoctoral researcher
Rocío Pérez Portela (2012-2014).
Juan de la Cierva postdoctoral researcher
Oriol Sacristán (2017-2020). Marie Curie Postdoctoral researcher
PhD Supervision
Antonio Jimeno Fernández (1993)
Contribución al estudio de los anfípodos de las costas mediterráneas catalanas
Co-supervision with M. Ballesteros
Mikel Aingeru Becerro García (1994)
Chemical ecology of Crambe crambe (Demospongiae Poecilosclerida)
Co-supervision with M.J. Uriz
Isabel Tarjuelo Capdevila (2001)
Reproductive strategies in colonial ascidians: relationships with other life-history traits and genetic structure
Ruth Martí Lluch (2002)
Spatial and temporal variation of the natural toxicity in benthic communities of Mediterranean caves
Co-supervision with: M.J. Uriz
Simone Mariani (2002)
Larval supply and recruitment of invertebrates in the Western Mediterranean : patterns in contrasting benthic communities
Co-supervision with: M.J. Uriz
Sandra Duran Alarcón (2003)
Phylogeography, gene flow and population structure of Crambe crambe (Porifera: Poecilosclerida)
Co-supervision with: M.Pascual
Fiona Tomás Nash (2004)
Herbivory in seagrass ecosystems. Poulation dynamics and trophic interactions in a Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile meadow
Co-supervision with: J. Romero
Susanna López Legentil (2005)
Multidisciplinary studies of the Genus Cystodytes (Ascidiacea): from molecules to species
Co-supervision with B. Banaigs
Rocio Pérez Portela (2007)
Phylogeny, biology and molecular ecology of the genus Pycnoclavella (Ascidiacea) in the Western Mediterranean
Co-supervision with C. Palacin
Marc Rius Viladomiu (2008)
Biology and population genetics of the invasive ascidian Microcosmus squamiger
Co-supervision with M. Pascual
Isabel Calderón Moreno (2009)
Spatio-temporal genetic structure and reproductive barriers in the genus Paracentrotus (Echinodermata: Echinoidea)
Jaime Sánchez-Cámara Greño (2010)
Biology and ecology of the weedy seadragon Phyllopteryx taeniolatus
Co-supervision with D. Booth
Mari Carmen Pineda Torres (2012)
A global wanderer: biology, phylogeography and resilience of the introduced ascidian Styela plicata
Co-supervision with S. López-Legentil
Owen Wangensteen (2013)
Biology and phylogeography of the black sea urchin Arbacia lixula (Echinoidea: Arbacioida)
Co-supervision with C. Palacin
Victor Ordoñez (2013)
Ecology and genetics of invasive ascidians in the Mediterranean Sea
Co-supervision with M. Pascual
Maria Casso Carrasco (2020)
Genome-wide analysis of introduced species using SNP: population genetics, adaptation, reproductive strategy
Co-supervision with M. Pascual
PhD in progress:
Adrià Antich
Metabarcoding applications for hard substratum benthic communities
Co-supervision with C. Palacín and O.S. Wangensteen
Carles Galià Camps
An omics world. Assessing the colonization processes of the invasive species Styela plicata through genomics and transcriptomics
Co-supervision with M. Pascual and C. Carreras
Master Thesis Supervision:
Sandra Duran (2001)
Simone Mariani (2001)
Susanna López-Legentil (2002)
Emma Cebrián (2002)
Raquel Arévalo (2002)
Jaime Sánchez-Cámara (2002)
Andrea Blanquer (2002)
Rocío Pérez-Portela (2003)
Javier Sánchez-Matamoros (2003)
Sònia de Caralt (2004)
Marc Rius (2005)
Isabel Calderón (2006)
Charlotte Noyer (2006)
Oriol Sacristán (2007)
Mari Carmen Pineda (2007)
Silvia Brusciotti (2008)
Victor Ordóñez Sánchez (2009)
Alicia Rodríguez Pérez-Porro (2009)
Lucía Pita Galán (2010)
Alba Muntadas Olivé (2010)
Anna Garriga (2012)
Marta Velasco (2012)
Vanessa Arranz (2012)
Miquel López (2013)
Manuel Orobitg (2015)
Beatriz Lorente (2015)
Rubhen Marrero (2016)
Adrià Antich (2019)
Sara Atienza (2019)
Núria Marco (2019) |