• ESTEVE, C., LAGARES, C. and MESTRES, F. (2020). First detection of chromosomal inversions in a natural population of the invasive pest species Drosophila suzukii. Journal of Genetics 99: 82 (4 pages).
• MADRENAS, R., BALANYÀ, J., ARENAS, C., KHADEM, M. and MESTRES F. (2020). “Global warming and chromosomal inversion adaptation in isolated populations: Drosophila subobscura populations from Madeira”. Entomological Science 23: 74–85.
• GALLUDO, M.; CANALS, J., PINEDA-CIRERA, L., ESTEVE, C., ROSSELLÓ, M., MADRENAS, R., BALANYÀ, J., ARENAS, C. and MESTRES, F. (2020). “Annual climatic effects on the autumnal Drosophilids fauna composition at the Font Groga site (Tibidabo, Barcelona)”. North-Western Journal of Zoology 16: 15–20.
• RIPPLE, W.J., WOLF, C., NEWSOME, T.M., BARNARD, P., MOOMAW, W.R. and 11,258 scientist signatories including MESTRES, F. (2020). “World scientists’ warning of a climate emergency”. BioScience 70: 8-12.
• ZIVANOVIC, G., ARENAS, C. and MESTRES, F. (2019). “Rate of change for the thermal adapted inversions in Drosophila subobscura”. Genetica 147: 401–409.
• ARENAS, C., ZIVANOVIC, G. and MESTRES, F. (2018). “Chromosomal Thermal Index: a comprehensive way to integrate the thermal adaptation of Drosophila subobscura whole karyotype” Genome 61: 73-78.
• GALLUDO, M., CANALS, J., PINEDA-CIRERA, L., ESTEVE, C., ROSSELLÓ, M., BALANYÀ, J., ARENAS, C. and MESTRES, F. (2018). “Climatic adaptation of chromosomal inversions in Drosophila subobscura”. Genetica 146: 433-441.
• MESTRES, F. and ZIVANOVIC, G. (2018). “Some applications of DNA databanks as an investigative tool for solving criminal cases”. Journal of Criminalistics and Law 23: 233-250.
• MESTRES, F., SOLEY, M., ÁLVARO, M. I., ÀRIAS, B., AULADELL, M. C., BONADA, N., FERRER, J., HLADUN, N., LLORENTE, G., MARTÍNEZ, J., VINYOLES, M. D. (2017). “Una meravella anomenada vida”. Edicions de la Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona (España). ISBN: 978-84-475-4031-0.
• ARENAS, C., IRIGOIEN, I., MESTRES, F., TOMA, C., CORMAND, B. (2017). “Extreme observations in Biomedical data”, del libro “Extended abstracts fall 2015. Biomedical Big Data; Statistics for low dose radiation research”. Editores: E.A. Ainsbury, M.L. Calle, E. Cardi, J. Einbeck, G. Gómez, P. Puig. Brickhäuser (Springer group), Basilea (Suiza). ISBN: 9783319556383.
• LAVRINIENKO, A., KESÄNIEMI, J., WATTS, P. C., SERGA, S., PASCUAL, M., MESTRES, F. and KOZERETSKA, I. (2017). “First record of the invasive pest Drosophila suzukii (Matsumura, 1931) (Diptera: Drosophilidae) in Ukraine indicates multiple sources of invasion”. J. Pest Sci. 90: 421-429.
• RIPPLE, W.J., WOLF, C., NEWSOME, T.M., GALETTI, M., ALAMGIR, M., CRIST, E., MAHMOUD, M.I., LAURANCE, W.F. and 15364 scientist signatories including MESTRES, F. (2017). “World scientists’ warning to Humanity: A second notice”. BioScience 67: 1026-1028.
• ZIVANOVIC, G., ARENAS, C. and MESTRES, F. (2016). “Individual inversions or their combinations: which is the main selective target in a natural population of Drosophila subobscura?”. J. Evol. Biol. 29: 657-664.
• PEGUEROLES, C., FERRÉS-COY, A., MARTÍ-SOLANO, M., AQUADRO, C.F., PASCUAL, M. and MESTRES, F. (2016). “Inversions and adaptation to the plant toxin ouabain shape DNA sequence variation within and between chromosomal inversions of Drosophila subobscura”. Scientific Reports 6: 23754; doi: 10.1038/srep23754 (2016).
• PASCUAL, M., PALERO, F., GARCIA-MERCHAN, V.H., MACPHERSON, E., ROBAINAS-BARCIA, A., MESTRES, F., RODA, T. and ABELLÓ, P. (2016).“Temporal and spatial genetic differentiation in the crab Liocarcinus depurator across the Atlantic-Mediterranean transition”. Scientific Reports 6:29892; doi: 10.1038/srep29892
• MESTRES, F. y VIVES-REGO, J. (2015). “La Genética forense en el fraude alimentario: implicaciones jurídicas y sociales”. La Ley Penal 114: 1-9.
• ZIVANOVIC, G., ARENAS, C. and MESTRES, F. (2015). “Medium-term changes in Drosophila subobscura chromosomal inversion polymorphism: a possible relation with global warming?”. J. Genet. 94: 343-346.
• ZIVANOVIC, G., ARENAS, C. and MESTRES, F. (2014). “Inversion polymorphism in two Serbian natural populations of Drosophila subobscura: Analysis of long-term changes”. Russian Journal of Genetics 50: 638-644.
• ZIVANOVIC, G., ARENAS, C. and MESTRES, F. (2014). “Inbreeding and thermal adaptation in Drosophila subobscura”. Genome 57: 481–488.
• IRIGOIEN, I., MESTRES, F. and ARENAS, C. (2013). “The depth problem: identifying the most representative units in a data group”. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics 10: 161-172.
• PEGUEROLES, C., AQUADRO, C. F., MESTRES, F. and PASCUAL, M. (2013). “Gene flow and gene flux shape evolutionary patterns of variation in Drosophila subobscura”. Heredity 110: 520-529.
• MESTRES, F. y VIVES-REGO, J. (2012). “Identificación de características forenses avanzadas a partir del ADN: etnogeografía, patología delictiva y morfoanatomía”. La Ley Penal 91: 48-56.
• MESTRES, F., SERRA, L. and SPERLICH, D. (2012). “In memoriam Antonio Prevosti (1919–2011), a pioneer of genetics of natural populations”. J. Zool. Syst. Evol. Res. 50: 175-176.
• MESTRES, F. y VIVES-REGO. J. (2012). “La resolución de casos abierto, exoneraciones y análisis familiares por medio de la Genética avanzada. Aspectos forenses, sociales y éticos”. Revista Electrónica de Ciencia Penal y Criminología 14: 04:1-04:18.
• ZIVANOVIC, G., ARENAS, C. and MESTRES, F. (2012). “Short- and long-term changes in chromosomal inversion polymorphism and global warming: Drosophila subobscura from the Balkans”. Isr. J. Ecol. and Evol. 58: 289-311.
• ZIVANOVIC, G., ARENAS, C. and MESTRES, F. (2011). “O-chromosome lethal frequencies in Serbian and Montenegrin Drosophila subobscura populations”. Russian Journal of Genetics 47: 1364-1370.
• ZIVANOVIC, G. and MESTRES, F. (2011). “Changes in chromosomal polymorphism and global warming: the case of Drosophila subobscura from Apatin (Serbia)”. Genet. and Mol. Biol. 34: 489-495.
• ARAÚZ, P. A., PERIS-BONDIA, F., LATORRE, A., SERRA, L. and MESTRES, F. (2011). “Molecular evidence to suggest the origin of a colonization: Drosophila subobscura in America”. Genetica 139: 1477-1286.
• IRIGOIEN, I., ARENAS, C., FERNÁNDEZ, E. and MESTRES, F. (2010). “GEVA: Geometric Variability-Based Approaches for identifying patterns on data”. Computational Statistics 25: 214–255.
• ZIVANOVIC, G. and MESTRES, F. (2010). “Viabilities of D. subobscura homo- and heterokaryotypes at optimal and stress temperatures. I. Analysis over several years”. Hereditas 147: 70–81.
• ZIVANOVIC, G. and MESTRES, F. (2010). “Viabilities of D. subobscura homo- and heterokaryotypes at optimal and stress temperatures. II. Seasonal component analysis”. Hereditas 147: 82–89.
• PEGUEROLES, C., ARAÚZ, P. A., PASCUAL, M. and MESTRES, F. (2010). “A recombination survey using microsatellites: the O chromosome of Drosophila subobscura”. Genetica 138: 795–804.
• PEGUEROLES, C., ORDÓÑEZ, V., MESTRES, F. and PASCUAL, M. (2010). “Recombination and selection in the maintenance of the adaptive value of inversions”. J. Evol. Biol. 23: 2709-2717.
• ARAÚZ, P. A., MESTRES, F., PEGUEROLES, C., ARENAS, C., TZANNIDAKIS, G., KRIMBAS, C. B. and SERRA, L. (2009). “Tracking the origin of the American colonization by Drosophila subobscura: genetic comparison between Eastern and Western Mediterranean populations”. J. Zool. Syst. Evol. Res. 47: 25–34.
• FERNÁNDEZ-IRIARTE, P. J., BALANYÀ, J., PASCUAL, M., MESTRES, F., HASSON, E. R., FONTDEVILA, A. and SERRA, L. (2009). “Tracking the origin of an invasive species: D. subobscura in Argentina”. J. Evol. Biol. 22: 650–658.
• MESTRES, F., BALANYÀ, J., PASCUAL, M., ARENAS, C., GILCHRIST, G. W., HUEY, R. B. and SERRA, L. (2009). “Evolution of Chilean colonizing populations of Drosophila subobscura: lethal genes and chromosomal arrangements”. Genetica 136: 37–48.
• MESTRES, F. y VIVES-REGO, J. (2009). “La utilización forense de la huella genética (secuencia del ADN o ácido desoxirribonucleico): aspectos científicos, periciales, procesales, sociales y éticos. La Ley Penal 61: 46–61.
• ARAÚZ, P. A., PEGUEROLES, C., ZIVANOVIC, G., FERNÁNDEZ-IRIARTE, P. J., RUIZ-MARTÍN, H., BALANYÀ, J., SERRA, L. and MESTRES, F. (2009). “Recent origin of a chromosomal inversion revealed by its association with nucleotide haplotypes”. Hereditas 146: 257–259.
• MESTRES, F. y VIVES-REGO, J. (2009). “Bancos y bases de datos genéticos para usos forenses”. Revista del Poder Judicial 89: 239–263.
• MESTRES, F. and SERRA, L. (2008). “The Va/Ba balanced lethal strain: thirty years of research in D. subobscura (1977-2007)”. J. Zool. Syst. Evol. Res. 46: 190–191.
• GÓMEZ-BALDÓ, L., LATORRE, A., SERRA, L and MESTRES, L. (2008). “Molecular variation in the Odh gene in Chilean natural populations of Drosophila subobscura”. Hereditas 145: 154–162.
• PASCUAL, M., CHAPUIS, M. P., MESTRES, F., BALANYÀ, J., HUEY, R. B., GILCHRIST, G. W., SERRA, L. and ESTOUP, A. (2007). “Introduction history of D. subobscura in the New World: a microsatellite based survey using ABC methods”. Mol. Ecol. 16: 3069–3083.
• ZIVANOVIC, G., MESTRES, F. and ARENAS, C. (2007). “The genetic structure of Balkan populations of D. subobscura”. Hereditas 144: 120–128.
• MESTRES, F., BALANYÀ, J., PASCUAL, M., ARENAS, C., SOLÉ, E. and SERRA, L. (2005). “Lethal genes and the colonization of America by D. subobscura”. Current Topics in Genetics 1: 31–57.
• PASCUAL, M., MESTRES, F. and SERRA, L. (2004). “Sex-ratio in natural and experimental populations of D. subobscura from North America”. J. Zool. Syst. Evol. Res. 42: 33–37.
• ARGEMÍ, M., MESTRES, F., PREVOSTI, A. and SERRA, L. (2003). “Microevolutionary dynamics of a community of Drosophilids”. J. Zool. Syst. Evol. Res. 41: 57–63.
• BALANYÀ, J., SERRA, L., GILCHRIST, G. W., HUEY, R. B., PASCUAL, M., MESTRES, F. and SOLÉ, E. (2003). “Evolutionary pace of chromosomal polymorphism in colonizing populations of D. subobscura: an evolutionary time series”. Evolution 57: 1837–1845.
• MESTRES, F., FIGUERAS, M. T. and SERRA, L. (2002). “A cytological study of the O5 chromosomal inversion of D. subobscura (Diptera, Drosophilidae)”. Genetics and Molecular Biology 25: 395–399.
• MESTRES, F., BALANYÀ, J., ARENAS, C., SOLÉ, E. and SERRA, L. (2001). “Colonization of America by D. subobscura: Heterotic effect of chromosomal arrangements revealed by the persistence of lethal genes”. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 98: 9167–9170.
• ALBALAT, R., ARENAS, C. and MESTRES, F. (2001) “A statistical analysis of nucleotide substitutions in the Drosophila Adh region reflects irregularities in molecular clocks”. Genes Genet. Syst. 76: 209–212.
• ZIVANOVIC, G. and MESTRES, F. (2000). “Lethal genes in O5 chromosomes of D. subobscura from Europe and America”. J. Zool. Syst. Evol. Res. 38: 123–126.
• ARENAS, C., ESCUDERO, T., MESTRES, F., COLL, M. D. and CUADRAS, C. M. (2000). “CACROMOS: a computer program to reconstruct the position of chromosomes on the metaphase plate”. Hereditas 132: 157–159.
• ARGEMÍ, M., BÄCHLI, G., MESTRES, F. and SERRA, L. (2000). “Analysis of the activity patterns of six species of Drosophila (Diptera, Drosophilidae) at Bordils (North East of Spain)”. Bull. Soc. Entomol. Suisse 73: 337–348.
• SOLÉ, E., MESTRES, F., BALANYÀ, J., ARENAS, C. and SERRA, L. (2000). “Colonization of America by D. subobscura: spatial and temporal lethal-gene allelism”. Hereditas 133: 65–72.
• MESTRES, F. and SERRA, L. (1999). “Distribution of lethal genes and their allelism in the O chromosome of D. subobscura”. J. Zool. Syst. Evol. Res. 37: 7–11.
• PEGUEROLES, G., MESTRES, F. ARGEMÍ, M. and SERRA, L. (1999). “Phenotypic plasticity in colonizing populations of D. subobscura”. Genetics and Molecular Biology 22: 511– 516.
• ARGEMÍ, M., MONCLÚS, M., MESTRES, F. and SERRA, L. (1999). “Comparative analysis of a community of Drosophilids (Drosophilidae; Diptera) sampled in two periods widely separated in time”. J. Zool. Syst. Evol. Res. 37: 203–210.
• MESTRES, F., SANZ, J. and SERRA, L. (1998). “Chromosomal structure and recombination between inversions in D. subobscura”. Hereditas 128: 105–113.
• ORENGO, D. J., HAUSCHTECK-JUNGEN, E. and MESTRES, F. (1997). “One-winged D. subobscura: a phenotype with obscure genetic basis”. Bras. J. Genet. 20: 359–361.
• PEGUEROLES, G., MESTRES, F. and SERRA, L. (1996). “Analysis of inbreeding in a colonizing population of D. subobscura”. Genetica 98: 289–296.
• MESTRES, F., SERRA, L. and AYALA, F. J. (1995). “Colonization of the Americas by D. subobscura: lethal-gene allelism and association with chromosomal rearrangements”. Genetics 140: 1297–1305.
• MESTRES, F. and SERRA, L. (1995). “On the origin of the O5 inversion in American populations of D. subobscura”. Hereditas, 123: 39–46.
• MESTRES, F., BALANYA, J., SEGARRA, C., PREVOSTI, A. and SERRA, L. (1994). “O chromosome inversion polymorphism in Northern and Atlantic Europe and its implications in the American colonization by D. subobscura”. Z. zool. Syst. Evolut.‑forschg. 32: 108–116.
• ORENGO, D. J. and MESTRES, F. (1993). “Genetic study of one‑winged flies in the Va/Ba balanced strain of D. subobscura”. Rev. Brasil. Genet. 16: 471–475.
• MESTRES, F., BALAÑA, J., SEGARRA, C., PREVOSTI, A. and SERRA, L. (1992) “Colonization of America by D. suboscura: Analysis of the O5 inversions from Europe and America and their implications for the colonizing process”. Evolution 46: 1564–1568.
• MESTRES, F. and SERRA, L. (1991) “Lethal allelism in D. subobscura: difficulties in the estimation of certain population parameters”. Z. zool. Syst. Evolut.‑forschg. 29: 264–279.
• MESTRES, F., PEGUEROLES, G., PREVOSTI, A. and SERRA, L. (1990) “Colonization of America by D. subobscura: Lethal genes and the problem of the O 5 inversion”. Evolution 44: 1823–1836.
• PREVOSTI, A., SERRA, L., AGUADE, M., RIBO, G., MESTRES, F., BALANYA, J. and MONCLUS, M. (1989). “Colonization and Establisment of the Palearctic species D. subobscura in North and South America”, del libro “Evolutionary Biology of transient unstable populations”. Edited by Antonio Fontdevila. Springer‑Verlag. Pág. 114–129.
• PREVOSTI, A., RIBO, G., SERRA, L., AGUADE, M., BALAÑA, J., MONCLUS, M. and MESTRES, F. (1988). “Colonization of America by D. subobscura: Experiment in natural populations that supports the adaptive role of chromosomal–inversion polymorphism”. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 85: 5597–5600.
• SERRA, L., PEGUEROLES, G. and MESTRES, F. (1987). “Capacity of dispersal of a colonizing species: D. subobscura”. Genetica 73: 223–235.