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Creu Palacín
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imatge de maquetació
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Creu Palacín

Departament de Biologia Evolutiva, Ecologia i Ciències Ambientals

Edifici Ramon Margalef
Facultat de Biologia
Universitat de Barcelona

Avinguda Diagonal 643
08028 Barcelona

imatge de maquetació
imatge de maquetació
  Publicaciones principales imatge de maquetació


• ANTICH, A, PALACÍN, C, WANGENSTEEN, OS, TURON, X. 2021. To denoise or to cluster, that is not the question: optimizing pipelines for COI metabarcoding and metaphylogeograph BMC Bioinformatics 22: 177


• ANTICH A, PALACIN C, CEBRIAN E, GOLO R, WANGENSTEEN OS, TURON X. 2020. Marine biomonitoring with eDNA: Can metabarcoding of water samples cut it as a tool for surveying benthic communities? Molecular Ecology. DOI: 10.1111/mec.15641

•  PÉREZ-PORTELA R, RIESGO A, WANGENSTEEN OS, PALACIN C, TURON X. 2020. Enjoying the warming Mediterranean: Transcriptomic responses to temperature changes of a thermophilous keystone species in benthic communities. Molecular Ecology. 29:3299-3315. DOI: 0.1111/MEC.15564

•  TURON X, ANTICH A, PALACÍN C, PRAEBEL K, WANGENSTEEN OS. 2020. From metabarcoding to metaphylogeography: separating the wheat from the chaff. Ecological Applications 30(2): e02036. DOI: 10.1002/eap.2036

•  CARRERAS C, GARCÍA-CISNEROS A, WANGENSTEEN OS, ORDÓÑEZ V, PALACÍN C, PASCUAL M, TURON X. 2020. East is East and West is West: Population genomics and hierarchical analyses reveal genetic structure and adaptation footprints in the keystone species Paracentrotus lividus (Echinoidea). Diversity and Distributions 26:382-398. DOI: 10.1111/ddi.13016


• PÉREZ-PORTELA R, WANGENSTEEN OS, GARCÍA-CISNEROS A, VALERO-JIMÉNEZ C, PALACÍN C, TURON X. 2019. Spatio-temporal patterns of genetic variation in Arbacia lixula, a thermophilous sea urchin in expansion in the Mediterranean. Heredity 122:244-259

• TURON X, WANGENSTEEN OS, PALACÍN C, CEBRIAN E. 2019. Caracterización genética de la biodiversidad y sus alteraciones en comunidades bentónicas marinas de los Parques Nacionales. In: Proyectos de Investigación en Parques Nacionales: 2013-2017. Amengual P (ed.). Publicaciones del Organismo Autónomo Parques Nacionales. ISBN: 978-84-8014-924-2. pp. 349-368


• WANGENSTEEN OS, PALACIN C, GUARDIOLA M, TURON X. 2018. DNA metabarcoding of littoral hard-bottom communities: high diversity and database gaps revealed by two molecular markers. Peer J 6:e4705. DOI 10.7717/peerj.4705

• WANGENSTEEN OS, CEBRIAN E, PALACÍN C, TURON X. 2018. Under the canopy: community-wide effects of invasive algae in Marine Protected Areas revealed by metabarcoding. Marine Pollution Bulletin 127:54-66

• GARCIA-CISNEROS, A.; PALACÍN, C.; VENTURA, C.R.R; FEITAL, B.; PAIVA, P.C.; PÉREZ-PORTELA, R. 2018. Intraspecific genetic structure, divergence and high rates of clonality in an amphi-Atlantic starfish. Molecular Ecology 27 (3): 752-772. ISSN: 0962-1083


•  GARCIA-CISNEROS, A.; PÉREZ-PORTELA, R.; WANGENSTEEN, O.S.; CAMPOS-CANET, M.; PALACÍN, C. 2017. Hope springs eternal in the starfish gonad: preserved potential for sexual reproduction in a single-clone population of a fissiparous starfish. Hydrobiologia 787 (1): 291–305 DOI 10.1007/s10750-016-2971-8


•  WANGENSTEEN, O.S.; GUARDIOLA, M.; PALACIN, C.; TURON, X. 2016. DNA metabarcoding of marine hard-bottom communities using 18S and COI. Genome, 58 (5) 294-294 ISSN: 0831-2796

•  PINEDA MC, LORENTE B, LÓPEZ-LEGENTIL S, PALACÍN C, TURON X. 2016. Stochasticity in space, persistence in time: genetic heterogeneity in harbour populations of the introduced ascidian Styela plicata. PeerJ 4:e2158

•  WANGENSTEEN OS, TURON X, PALACÍN C. 2016. Reproductive strategies in marine invertebrates and the structuring of marine animal forests. In Rossi S, Bramanti L, Gori A, Orejas C (eds.) Marine animal forests. The ecology of benthic biodiversity hotspots. Springer International. pp 1-24. ISBN: 978-3-319-17001-5. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-1700

•  BALSALOBRE M, WANGENSTEEN OS, PALACÍN C, CLEMENTE S, HERNÁNDEZ  JC. 2016. Efficiency of artificial collectors for quantitative assessment of settlement rates of sea urchins. Scientia Marina, 80(2): 207-216.  doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.3989/scimar.04252.13A

•  GARCIA-CISNEROS, A; PALACÍN, C; BEN KHADRA, Y; PÉREZ-PORTELA, R. 2016. Low genetic diversity and recent demographic expansion in the red starfish Echinaster sepositus (Retzius 1816). Scientific Reports 6, 33269; doi: 10.1038/srep33269


•  GARCIA-CISNEROS, A; PÉREZ-PORTELA, R.; ALMROTHC, B.C.; DEGERMAND, S.; PALACÍN, C.; NILSSON SKÖLDE, H. 2015. Long telomeres are associated with clonality in wild populations of the fissiparous starfish Coscinasterias tenuispina. Heredity 2015: 1-7. ISSN: 0018-067X

•  WANGENSTEEN OS, GUARDIOLA M, PALACÍN C, TURON X. 2015. DNA metabarcoding of marine hard-bottom communities using 18S and COI. Genome 58(5): 294. doi:10.1139/gen-2015-008


•  WANGENSTEEN OW, TURON X, CASSO M, PALACIN C. 2013. The reproductive cycle of the sea urchin Arbacia lixula in northwestern Mediterranean: potential influence of temperature and photoperiod. Marine Biology 160:3157-3168

•  WANGENSTEEN OW, DUPONT S, CASTIES I, TURON X, PALACIN C. 2013. Some like it hot: Temperature and pH modulate larval development and settlement of the sea urchin Arbacia lixula. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 449: 304-311

•  GARCIA-CISNEROS, A.; VALERO-JIMÉNEZ, C.; PALACÍN, C.; PÉREZ-PORTELA, R. 2013. Characterization of thirty two microsatellite loci for three Atlanto-Mediterranean echinoderm species. Conservation Genetics Resources, 5 : 749-753 ISSN:1877-7252

•  SAIZ, J.I.; ANADÓN, N.; CRISTOBO, F.J.; GARCIA-ALVAREZ, O.; GARCIA-CASTRILLO, G.; LÓPEZ, E.; PALACÍN, C.; TRONCOSO, J.S.; RAMOS, A. 2013. Enhancement of the benthic communities around an isolated island in the antarctic ocean. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 32 (6): 1-7. ISSN: 0253-505X


•  WANGENSTEEN OS, TURON X, PÉREZ-PORTELA R, PALACÍN C. 2012. Natural or naturalized? Phylogeography suggests that the abundant sea urchin Arbacia lixula is a recent colonizer of the Mediterranean. PLoS One 7(9): e45067 (16 pp). doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0045067

•  CALDERÓN I, PITA L, BRUSCIOTTI S, PALACÍN C, TURON X. 2012. Time and space: genetic structure of the cohorts of the common sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus in Western Mediterranean. Marine Biology 159: 187-197


•  WANGENSTEEN OW, TURON X, GARCÍA-CISNEROS A, RECASENS M, ROMERO J, PALACÍN C. 2011. A wolf in sheep’s clothing: carnivory in dominant sea urchins in the Mediterranean. Marine Ecology-Progress Series 441: 117-128

•  PALACÍN, C. 2011. El Endobentos: Meiofauna. In: Antártida: La vida en el Límite. Las expediciones Bentart. García-Álvarez, O., Parapar J.,Ramos, A. Ramos (eds). Hércules de Ediciones S.A. A Coruña, Spain. pp 294-295. ISBN: 978-84-92715-29-9


•  CALDERÓN I, PALACÍN C, TURON X. 2009. Microsatellite markers reveal shallow genetic differentiation between cohorts of the common sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus (Lamarck) in northwestern Mediterranen. Molecular Ecology 18: 3036-3049

•  MACPHERSON E, BECERRO MA, COMA R, PALACÍN C, PASCUAL M, TURON X, URIZ MJ. 2009. Biodiversidad genética de organismos marinos en el Parque Nacional de Cabrera: aplicaciones para la conservación. In: Proyectos de Investigación en Parques Nacionales: 2005-2008. Ramírez L, Asensio B (eds.). Publicaciones del Organismo Autónomo Parques Nacionales. ISBN: 978-84-8014-765-1. pp. 135-144


•  PEREZ-PORTELA, R., PALACÍN, C., DURAN, S., TURON, X. – in press – Biological traits and reproductive isolation of closely related species of Pycnoclavella (Ascidiacea) in the Western Mediterranean. Marine Biology . 152(2): 1031-1038


•  PEREZ-PORTELA, R., DURAN, S., PALACÍN, C., TURON, X. – 2007– The genus Pycnoclavella (Ascidiacea) in the Atlanto-Mediterranean region: a combined molecular and morphological approach. Invertebrate Systematics 21, 117-205

•  PEREZ-PORTELA, R., PALACÍN, C., DURAN, S., TURON, X. 2007. Biological traits of three closely related species of Pycnoclavella (Ascidacea) in the Western Mediterranean . Marine Biology 152(2): 1031-1038


•  DURAN, S., PALACIN, C., BECERRO, M., TURON, X., GIRIBET, G. -2004- Genetic diversity and population structure of the commercially harvested sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus (Echinodermata, Echinoidea). Molecular Ecology , 13: 3317-3328


•  PALACIN, C., TURON, X., BALLESTEROS, M., GIRIBET, G., LÓPEZ, S.-1998- Stock evaluation of three littoral echinoid species on the Catalan coast (north-western Mediterranean ). P.S.Z.N.I: Marine Ecology 19 (3), 163-177

•  LOPEZ, S., TURON, X., MONTERO, E., PALACIN, C., DUARTE , C., TARJUELO, I. – 1998- Larval abundance, recruitment and early mortality in Paracentrotus lividus (Echinoidea). Interannual variability and plankton-benthos coupling. Mar. Ecol. progr. Ser. 172: 239-25

•  PALACIN, C.,GIRIBET, G., CARNER, S., DANTART, L., TURON, X.-1998-Low densities of sea urchins influence the structure of algal assemblages in western Mediterranean . J. Sea Res. 39: 281-290


•  PALACIN, C., GIRIBET, G., TURON, X.-1997- Patch recolonization through migration by the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus (Lamarck) in communities with high algal cover and low sea urchins densities. Cah. Biol. Mar . 38: 267-271

•  SAIZ-SALINAS, J.I.; RAMOS, A.; GARCÍA, F.J.; TRONCOSO, J.S.; SAN MARTÍN, G.; SANZ, C.; PALACÍN, C. 1997. Quantitative analysis macrobenthic soft-bottom assemblages in the South Shetlands (Antarctica). Polar Biology 17: 393-400. ISSN: 0722-4060


•  TURON, X., PALACIN, C., BALLESTEROS, M., DANTART, L. -1995- A case study of stock evaluation on littoral hard substracta: Echinoid populations on the northeast coast of Spain . In: The biology and ecology of shallow coastal waters . Eleftheriou, A. & Smith, C. (eds.). Olsen & Olsen. Denmark. pp. 197-205

•  LOZANO, J., GALERA, J. TURON, X., LOPEZ, S., PALACÍN, C., MORERA, G. -1995- Biological cycles of Paracentrotus lividus (Lamarck) (Echinodermata: Echinoidea) in two contrasting habitats. Mar. Ecol. Progr. Ser . 122 (1-3): 179-191

•  TURON. X., GIRIBET, G., LOPEZ, S., PALACIN, C. -1995- Growth and population structure of Paracentrotus lividus (Lamarck) (Echinodermata, Echinoidea) in two contrasting habitats. Mar. Ecol. Progr. Ser. 122 (1-3): 193-204


•  PALACIN, C., GILI, J.M., MARTIN, D. -1993- Morphological variation in nematode communities in relation to eutrophication processes in a shallow-water Mediterranean bay. In: Quantified Phenotypic Responses in Morphology and Physiology . Aldrich J. C. ed. Japaga, Ashford , Ireland . pp. 239-246.

•  MARTIN, D., BALLESTEROS, E., GILI J.M. & PALACIN, C. 1993 Small scale structure of infaunal polychaete communities in an estuaric environment: A methodological approach. Estuar. coast. shelf. Sci. 36, 47-58


•  PALACIN, C., GILI, J.M. & MARTIN,D. 1992 Evidence for coincidence of meiofauna spatial heterogeneity with eutrophication processes in a shallow water Mediterranean Bay . Estuar. coast. shelf sci. 35 (1), 1-16


•  PALACIN, C., MARTIN, D. & GILI, J.M. 1991 Features of spatial distribution of benthic infauna in a Mediterranean shallow water bay. Mar. Biol. 110 (2), 315-321

•  PALACIN, C. 1991 The importance of intraespeciphic variation in the taxonomy of marine nematodes: The case of Terschellingia longispiculata Wieser & Hopper 1967 (Nematoda, Linhomoeidae). Scientia Marina, 55: 645-648


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imatge de maquetació © Universitat de Barcelona Edición: GRBEB
Última actualización o validación: 03.05.2021
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