Proyectos |
NIDOS-Caretta. Gestión y evaluación de la colonización del litoral español para la nidificación de tortuga boba (Caretta caretta) como adaptación al cambio climático Fundación Biodiversidad. (PI: M. Pascual). 32.760€. 2019-2021.
Spanish Ministry of Economy CTM2017-88080-C2-2-R. PopCOmics: Marine Biodiversity and Genomics: from Populations to Communities. (PI: M. Pascual) 163,592€. 2018-2020.
- Spanish Ministry of Economy CTM2013-48163-C2-2-R. CHALLENGEN: Addressing CHALLENges in marine research with GENetic tools: introduced species, biodiversity assessment, adaptation to global warming. (PI: M. Pascual) 205,700€. 2014-2017.
- MANC - Cayman Islands Government. Assessment of the impact of the Cayman Turtle Farm release program to the wild populations of the green turtle (Chelonia Mydas) in the Cayman Islands using genetics markers. (PI: M. Pascual, C. Carreras) 19,583€. 2014-2016.
- European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013). Grant Agreement 287844. COCONET: Towards COast to COast NETworks of marine protected areas (from the shore to the high and deep sea), coupled with sea-based wind energy potential (Coordinator: F. Boero, CSIC Coordinator: E. Macpherson) 594,200 €. 2012-2016.
- Spanish Ministry of Science CTM2010-22218-C02-02. BENTHOMICS: tracking changes in the marine benthos by novel molecular tools: individuals, populations, communities (PI: M. Pascual). 181,500 €. 2011-2013.
- BBVA Foundation BIOCON08: Efecto de las discontinuidades marinas sobre la biodiversidad genética de invertebrados bentónicos: implicaciones en el diseño de áreas marinas protegidas. (PI: M. Pascual) 200.000€. 2009-2012.
- Spanish Ministry of Science CTM2007-66635-C02-02. MARMOL: Molecular tools for the study of the vulnerability of littoral benthic populations: structure, connectivity, adaptation, and gene expression (PI: X. Turon and C. Palacin). 184,000 € 2007-2010.
- Spanish Ministry of Science CGL2006-13423-C02-02/BOS Genética evolutiva de procesos colonizadores y análisis molecular de la biodiversidad. (PI: L. Serra) 175.000€. 2006-2009.
- Spanish Ministry of the Environment. National Parc Network. Genetic biodiversity of marine organisms in Cabrera National Parc (PI: E. Macpherson). 160,049 €. 2005-2007.
- Spanish Ministry of Science CTM2004-05265-C02-01. INTERGEN: genetic interchange between Atlantic and Mediterranean in invertebrates and fish: colonization, speciation and invasions. (PI: X. Turon) 118,600 €. 2004-2007.
- Spanish Ministry of Science BOS2003-05904-C02-02. La Evolución en acción: variabilidad genética de poblaciones autóctonas y colonizadoras de Drosophila subobscura. (PI: L. Serra) 2003-2006.
- Spanish Ministry of Science REN2001-2312-C03-02. GENECO: Genetic structure and gene flow in benthic organisms: applications in biotechnology and management of the marine environment. (PI: X. Turon) 72,121 €. 2002- 2005.