Marc Valls - PI

Education and Research:
Associate Professor in Genetics (2008 - present) Genetics Department, Universitat de Barcelona
Lecturer in Genetics (2005-2008) Genetics Department, Universitat de Barcelona
Marie Curie / EMBO Postdoctoral Fellow (2003-2005) LIPM, (CNRS-INRA) Toulouse, France. Christian Boucher’s lab
I3P CSIC Researcher (2002-2003) Centro Nacional de Biotecnología, CSIC, Madrid. Victor de Lorenzo’s Lab
Postdoctoral researcher (2000-2001) Centro Nacional de Biotecnología, CSIC, Madrid. Victor de Lorenzo’s Lab
F.I. PhD Fellow (1996-1999) Genetics Department, Universitat de Barcelona
Fellow in environmental research (1995) Genetics Department, Universitat de Barcelona
Bachelor degree in Biology (1995) Universitat de Barcelona
Research Interests:
My research interests are to understand how bacterial pathogens colonise and cause disease on plants. Precisely, I want to define the genes required for the bacterial pathogen Ralstonia solanacearum to cause disease on plants and at which steps of the infection process they are required. In addition, I study the potato responses to infection by Ralstonia solanacearum.
Researchgate profile Marc Valls Google scholar: List worksNuria Sánchez Coll - PI

Education and Research:
Researcher (2012-present). Centre for Research in Agricultural Genomics, Barcelona, Spain.
Research Associate (2011-2012). University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA.
Postdoctoral Fellow (2006-2011). University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA.
Ph.D Plant Molecular Genetics (2006). Federal Institute of Technology Zürich (ETHZ), Switzerland.
Visiting scientist (2005). Ludwig-Maximilians University of Munich, Germany.
M.Sc Plant Genomics (2002). Institut de Biologia Molecular de Barcelona, Centro Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (IBMB-CSIC), Spain.
Research Assistant (1999-2001). Universitat de Barcelona, Spain.
B.Sc. Biology (2001). Universitat de Barcelona, Spain.
Research Interests:
Our research aims at filling a major gap of knowledge by providing a detailed picture of the mechanisms controlling and executing pathogen-triggered programmed cell death (PCD) in plant cells. We are studying the composition and dynamics of protein platforms (“deathosomes”) that may act as cell death rheostats, integrating extra-, inter- and intra-cellular signals to respond to them with a univocal death/non-death decision. We have developed a novel technique to immunoisolate native protein complexes in planta. In a set of pilot experiments using this method, we have identified components of the AtMC1 deathosome, which dynamically respond to PCD triggers and may be part of a regulatory network.
Researchgate profile Núria Sanchez-CollLaia Armengot Martínez – Post-doc

Education and Research:
Assistant professor Genetics Department, Universitat de Barcelona (September 2023-present)
MSCA postdoctoral Fellow CRAG institute (September 2023-present)
Maria Zambrano Postdoctoral FellowGenetics Department, Universitat de Barcelona and CRAG institute, April 2022-August 2023
Assistant professor Biochemistry and molecular biology department, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (2021-2022)
Postdoctoral Fellow Laboratoire de Reproduction et développement des Plantes, ENS lyon, CNRS (2015-2020)
Phd in plant biology and biotechnology Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (2009-2014)
Master's degree in Plant Biology and Biotechnology Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (2008-2009)
Bachelor degree in Biology Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (2004-2008)
Research Interests:
Study of plant's hypersensitive response and defense against pathogens, focused on identification of plasma membrane localized signalling platforms.
Nerea Ruiz Solaní – PhD student

Education and Research:
PhD Universitat de Barcelona (November 2020-Present)
Master's degree in Plant Biology, Genomics and Biotechnology Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (2017-2019)
Bachelor's degree in Biotechnology Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (2013-2017)
Research Interests:
The hypersensitive response (HR) is form of localized and regulated cell death that often occurs when the plant immune system recognizes potential pathogens. My research focuses on understanding the transcriptional dynamics of HR .
Fernando Navarrete – Post-doc

Education and Research:
AGenT postdoctoral Fellow Centre for Research in Agricultural Genomics - CRAG (April 2021 - Present)
Phd Molecular Biology University of Vienna/Gregor Mendel Institute, Armin Djamei´s Laboratory (2015-2020)
Master's degree in Plant Pathology Auburn University (2013)
Bachelor's degree in Biology Universidad de la República, Uruguay (2011)
Research Interests:
My objective is to generate high-impact knowledge in plant immunity using the economically relevant rice-Magnaporthe oryzae pathosystem to tackle the questions of how monocots translate molecular pathogen recognition into immune cell death and how dying cells communicate with their neighbours to help activate defences systemically throughout the plant.
Álvaro Jiménez – PhD student

Education and Research:
PhD Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (July 2021-Present)
Master in Biotechnology Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (2019-2020)
Bachelor's degree in Biochemistry Universidad de Málaga (2015-2019)
Research Interests:
My research is focused on the resistance mechanisms to the bacterial pathogen Ralstonia solanacearum in tomato, through the production of physico-chemical barriers that block pathogen colonization and disease onset. Specifically, we work in characterizing the role of the ligno-suberin metabolic pathway in the production of these barriers and its relations with disease resistance.
Mercedes Rocafort – Post-doc

Education and Research:
Postdoctoral Researcher Centre for Research in Agricultural Genomics - CRAG, (2022-Present)
PhD Massey University, New Zealand (2018-2023)
Master degree in Plant Pathology and Entomology Wageningen University (2017-2018)
Bachelor's degree in Environmental biology Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (2011-2015)
Research Interests:
Elena Moreno – Post-doc

Education and Research:
Research Assistant Centre for Research in Agricultural Genomics - CRAG, (2024-Present)
PhD The Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg, Germany (2019-2024)
Master degree in Chemistry University of Havana, Cuba (2015-2018)
Bachelor's degree in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology University of Havana (2008-2013)
Research Interests:
Mario Herrero Cervera – PhD student

Education and Research:
PhD Centre for Research in Agricultural Genomics - CRAG, December 2021-Present
Graduate research collaborator IVIA institute (2019-2021)
Master degree in Research and Advances in Microbiology Universidad de Granada (2018-2019)
Bachelor degree in Biotechnology Universitat de València (2014-2018)
Research Interests:
Study of plant's hypersensitive response and defense against pathogens, focused on transcriptional markers overexpressed at site of infection.
Joel Ayet – PhD student

PhD Universitat de Barcelona (2023-Present)
Master's degree in Plant Biology, Genomics and Biotechnology Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (2022-2023)
Bachelor degree in Biology Universitat de Barcelona (2017-2022)
Qingshan Zhang – PhD student

PhD Centre for Research in Agricultural Genomics - CRAG (2023-Present)
Master's degree in Agriculture Southwest University, Chongqing, China (2020-2023)
Bachelor's degree in Agriculture Guizhou University (2016-2020)
Marta Salas – PhD student

PhD Centre for Research in Agricultural Genomics - CRAG (2023-Present)
Master's degree in Plant Sciences Wageningen University and Research (2022-2023)
Bachelor's degree in Biotechnology Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (2017-2021)
Moyan Liang – PhD student

PhD Centre for Research in Agricultural Genomics - CRAG (2024-Present)
Master's degree in Plant Biology, Genomics and Biotechnology Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (2023-Present)
Bachelor's degree in Agronomy Hainan University(2019-2023)
Former Members
Jose Manuel Salguero – PhD student

September 2017
May 2023
Weiqi Zhang – PhD student

October 2019
November 2023
Roger de Pedro Jové – PhD student

April 2019
July 2023
Jordi Corral Sábado – Post-doc

February 2022
July 2023
Benoit Daubech – Post-doc

July 2021
July 2022
Eugenia Pitsili – PhD student

April 2017
October 2021
Miquel Ferro Costa – Master student
February 2021
August 2021
Carina Ortiz – Master student

June 2023
December 2023
Jenna Krumbach – Undergraduate student

February 2021
July 2021
Marta Salas – Undergraduate student

September 2020
June 2021
Sofía Fort Fossali – Master student

January 2021
April 2021
Manuel Moreno Calderón – Master student

September 2022
September 2023
Anurag Kashyap – PhD student

November 2017
June 2021
Marc Planas- PhD student

September 2015
October 2020
Pau Sebastià- PhD Student

April 2017
November 2020
Liang Li- PhD student

September 2015
May 2020
Liang Yang- visitor PhD student

January 2019
March 2020
Ujjal Jyoti Phukan – post Doc

July 2018
July 2020
Alejandro Alonso- PhD student

September 2015
September 2019
Agnese Rabissi- Scientific Entrepreneur

June 2018
July 2019
Oriol Muñiz – Undergraduate Student

June 2018
June 2019