


The Right to Resistance in Situations of Extreme Lackness. By Roberto Gargarella.

Since the late nineties, and following a decade of severe structural adjustment plans, Latin America has been through several experiencies of popular riots. These riots brought together massive demonstrations and high levels of physical and verbal aggression towards politicians, judges and civil servants in general. The riots included, for instance, the organization of “piquetes” aimed at blocking trafic in main roads, aimed at demaning employment, food, or at the award of subsidies; they included also loud demonstrations (that is, “cazerolazos”). These aggressions towards public authorities included both their residences and properties, as well as the public buildings in which they worked (goverment seat, parliament, courthouse, etc.). Among other results, riots forced the dismission of president Raúl Cubas, in Paraguay, in 1999; the dismission of president Alberto Fujimori, in Peru, in 2000; that of president Jail Mahuuad, in Ecuador, in 2000 (as well as the remotion of president Abdala Burcaram, in 1996); that of president Sánchez de Lozada in Bolivia, in 2002; that of president Bertrand Aristide, in Haití, in 2004. In Argentina, protests culminated in a profound crisis, which included the mandate of five different presidents in less than two weeks. Of course the demonstrations were promoted, in each case, on the basis of partially different circumstances. Some were possibly more legitimate than others; some were more “spontaneous” or more “genuine” than others; other ones were more powerful and long-lasting than others. However, these variations should not hinder us to recognize the similarity of the events, similarity which has to do with the type of crisis affecting several of legal contemporary orders.
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Technical Time and Affective States. By Antonio de la Cruz Vallés

After Being and Time, the work of Heidegger concentretes on the role of the emotions: on one hand, he seeks the fundaments of philosophy on a deep emotions; on the other hand, he bases his social analysis on the prevaility emotions. Both ideas are best shown in his Die Grundbegriffe der Metaphysik. From this work I expose the present social relevance of a specific emotion, boredom, and its relation with the technical time.
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Formalization in Philosophy. By Sven Ove Hansson.

The advantages and disadvantages of formalization in philosophy are summarized. It is concluded that formalized philosophy is an endangered speciality that needs to be revitalized and to increase its interactions with non-formalized philosophy. The enigmatic style that is common in philosophical logic must give way to explicit discussions of the problematic relationship between formal models and the philosophical concepts and issues that motivated their development.
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Will Kymlicka: The Defense of Minority Nationalism. By Federico Pérez

The increasing immigration to the developed world is joining to the reborn of nationalism in confront the state by the so called pluralism challenge. In front of the increase of diversity, the liberal discourse is no more satisfied by the notion of individualism, and some authors like Will Kymlicka, search an alliance with nationalism. Then, if individual freedom is significative in a cultural context, human rights most extend to protect that context, by group rights. In the present article we discuss the coherence of this concept of a contextualistic freedom, and confront it with a wide idea of citizenship.
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