Tipografia DIN

La tipografia DIN es va utilitzar per primera vegada per al sistema ferroviari alemany. Es va crear en una retícula molt simple, però amb una gran precisió i ordre. A més, malgrat la seva llarga trajectòria, la tipografia DIN encara té una sensació moderna.



Conceptes relacionats:


Elise, Michelle; Basiroen, Vera Jenny. Creating An Alternative Design for Asita Corporate Identity [digital-PDF] Humaniora, 2015. [data de consulta: 9 de maig 2018]. Disponibilitat i accés: journal.binus.ac.id

The typeface chosen was DIN from bold family. DIN typeface was first used for the German railway system. It was created on a very simple grid, yet displaying a great deal of precision and order, which is why it is suitable enough to reflect a well-organized organization such as ASITA. In addition, despite its long history, DIN typeface itself bears a modern feel, which would help uplift the image of the ASITA corporate identity to be more modern and future-oriented.