Tracy Walter

Durant la Segona Guerra Mundial, Walter Tracy  va treballar a l'agència de publicitat com a comprador d'impressió. El 1947 es va convertir en gerent de desenvolupament de tipografia en Linotype, on es va especialitzar en el disseny de tipografies per a diaris i publicitat. Amb el seu llibre Letters of credit, a view of type design (1986) comença a parlar sobre qüestions tècniques referents al disseny de tipografies i conceptes clàssics sobre l’espaiat. Algunes de les tipografies creade per Tracy són: Jubilee, Times Europa, Telegraph Modern, etc.


McLean, Ruari (1 de Maig 1995) OBITUARY: Walter Tracy log. [Blog]  INDEPENDENT.Recuperat 28 Abril, 2018, de:

Shand had before 1939 started a typographical periodical for the Linotype Company of Great Britain, called Linotype Matrix. He now asked Tracy to edit and design it, which he did with great credit for some 10 years. In 1947 Tracy joined the Linotype Company full-time. Walter Tracy, slight in build, with an alert and humorous face, had an incisive mind and was deeply kind and honest, always ready to help those who asked for his advice. He dispensed that, too, in two excellent and modest books written in his retirement, Letters of Credit: a view of type design (1986) and The Typographic Scene (1988). "For my own part," he wrote in an introduction to the former, "I take the view that typography, like most other sorts of designing, is essentially a means to an end; and the end is not the self-satisfaction of the designer but the contribution he or she makes to the effectiveness of whatever is presented to the public."