Current Projects

HerStory: Connecting women’s history to Neuro-Symbolic AI: An Information Architecture approach to Francoist repression case study (HerStory&NeSyAI) PID2023-147673OB-I00. 100.000€ Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidad. September 2024-August 2027

Cover Women: A comparative study of Wikipedia’s front page content from a gender and intersectional perspective with volunteer-driven insights and their newsroom guidelines. Pressupuesto: 31,000€. Wikimedia Foundation. Calendar: June 2024-June2025

GLAM Wiki Gender: International Convention on the Wikimedia universe and its potential for the GLAM world with a gender perspective GLAM Wiki Gender (2023-24). Funded by Amical Wikimedia (2023) 1000€ and Wikimedia Foundation (2024) 3000€.