“Women and Wikipedia: Analysis of the Gender Gap in the Co-Production of Knowledge in the Wikipedias of Spain (W&W)” is a funded project by the Plan Nacional I+D+I of the Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spain (Ref.
PID2020-116936RA-I00). Budget: 65,000€ September 2020-August 2024
The project Women and Wikipedia (W&W) aims to make a research contribution by understanding and reducing the gender gap, acknowledging the strategic relevance and applicability of its conclusions for the future growth and diversity of the Wikipedia communities and putting the focus on the Wikipedias of Spain.
O1. Measure the gender gap among editors in Wikipedia
1.1. Definition and construction of indicators to assess gender issues in participation
1.2. Assessment of the existing gender gap
O2. Characterize editing practices of Wikipedians
2.1. Comparison of female and male editors’ practices
2.2. Analysis of the negotiation processes involved in articles for deletion discussions
2.3. Analysis of the sources of information that ground the notability criteria
O3. Analysis of the retention of female editors in Wikipedia
3.1. Detection of critical points for dropping out
3.2. Assessment of the impact of secure spaces for participation
3.3. UX analysis of the social interaction elements of the platform
Research questions:
- Q1. Where are the women in the Wikipedias of Spain?
- Q2. What are the different types of behaviors among men and women editors of the Wikipedias of Spain?
- Q3. How the negotiation process of an article nominated for deletion is produced?
- Q4. What are the sources of information that provide grounds for the notability criteria?
- Q5. How do female-Wikipedia editors persist in editing?
Reference papers: https://www.ub.edu/wikiwomen/publications/