
October 2025

Organization of the DCMI Annual Conference 2025 at the Faculty of Information and Audiovisual Media with the project HerStory which deals with metadata, AI, content management, with a gender perspective.

DCMI 2025 Conference Chair: Núria Ferran

More information:

Centelles, Miquel (2025). “El master d’Humanitats Digitals de la UB i el projecte HerStory”, II Jornades Jornades d’Humanitats Digitals del Departament d’Història i Arqueologia, Facultat d’Història i Geografia, Universitat de Barcelona, 12 de febrer.

January 2025

Expert panel: “Bridging the gender gap: the vital role of librarians in shaping knowledge systems on Wikipedia and Wikidata” at Wikimedia+Libraries International Convention 2025, from January 15th to 17th, 2025, at the El Colegio de México.

Experts and presentations:

  1. “The impact of pre-coordinated language (categories) on Wikipedia on information visualization, search and retrieval compared to post-coordinated language in Wikidata (ontologies): insights from the ‘Dones de categoria’ project on gender-perspective knowledge organization systems” by Núria Ferran-Ferrer (co-authors Yessica Macià and Miquel Centelles).
  2. “The effects of outlier data (about gender and intersectionalities) in Wikidata on Wikipedia’s main page: Results of the ‘Cover Women’ project” by Aisa Serra (co-authors Núria Ferran-Ferrer, Miquel Centelles and Laura Fernández)
  3. “Utilizing AI to enrich marginalized narratives and reduce the gender gap in media content by Miquel Centelles (co-authors Núria Ferran and Raquel Garcia-Casanova).

Related papers of this session:

  • Centelles, Miquel; Ferran-Ferrer, Núria (2024). Assessing Knowledge Organization Systems from a gender perspective: Wikipedia Taxonomy and Wikidata Ontologies, Journal of Documentation, 80 (7)
  • Serra-Gil, Aisa (2024). “Diversitat i representació de biografies a les portades de Wikipedia. Anàlisis interseccional dels articles de persones de l’edició en anglès. Núria Ferran and Miquel Centelles (direcció), Treball Final de Master d’Humanidades Digitals, Universitat de Barcelona,
  • Ferran-Ferrer, Núria; Centelles, Miquel; Macià, Yessica; Juan-José Boté-Vericad; Minguillón, Julià (2024). Dones de categoria: anàlisi del biaix de gènere a les categories de Viquipèdia. Xarxa Vives d’Universitats; Centre de Recerca en Informació, Comunicació i Cultura (CRICC), Universitat de Barcelona.


Viquitrobada 2024 9-10 November

La persistència de les editores a la Viquipèdia catalana ” per Julià Minguillón, Núria Ferran-Ferrer, Juan-José Boté-Vericad (presenta J. Minguillón)

Guia d’edició de portada amb bot: Primera versió d’un exercici de millora especulatiu“, Enric Senabre, Laura Fernández i Núria Ferran (modera Enric Senabre)

InfoTecarios #201: WikiLibCon25 y la brecha de género en Wikipedia

InfoTecarios #201 La brecha de género en Wikipedia

II International Convention on the Wikimedia universe and its potential for the GLAM world with a gender perspective [#GLAM+WIKI+Gender] Full conference [offline]:

Media Appearances:

5 JuneProgram

Facultat d’Informació i Mitjans Audiovisuals, Universitat de Barcelona.

Col·labora: COBDC, FIMA UB, Master Humanitats Digitals, i BiblioWikis d’Amical Wikimedia 

Organitza: projecte Women and Wikipedia de la Universitat de Barcelona

Newsletter appearances:

[Wikidata] Weekly Summary #622

[Wikidata] Weekly Summary #607 (18 December 2024):

  • Wikipedia gender gap: a scoping review – This review analyzes Wikipedia’s gender gap from 2007 to 2022, revealing a slight majority of female authors, addressing key themes, and exploring strategies to mitigate the gap, providing valuable insights into the research landscape in this domain. By Núria Ferran-Ferrer, Juan-José Boté-Vericad and Julia Minguillón.

Media appearances on March 8:

RTVE: 08/03/2024 Informativo de Radio Nacional de España, Radio 4 And distribution to the faculty news 13/03/2024

PodCast La Recondita 8M podcast of the Information and Audiovisual Means Facultu, UB 08/04/2024

CatRadio: Dones i Dies de Catalunya Ràdio 05/03/2024

El Nacional:

El Mon:

La Vanguardia:

L’Eco de Sitges 25/03/2024, Esther Domingo

Press releases on March 8:

Press release by Xarxa Vives d’Universitats: L’informe ‘Dones de categoria’ analitza el biaix de gènere als sistemes d’organització del coneixement

Press release by CRICC at UB: Mujeres de categoría: análisis del sesgo de género en los sistemas de organización del conocimiento

Press release by Universitat de Barcelona and Universitat Oberta de Catalunya:

Manifestació del 8M a Vilanova i la Geltrú, amb la participació de diversos colectius feministes del Garraf. (No em Toquis la Tecla) Source:


International Convention on the Wikimedia universe and its potential for the GLAM world with a gender perspective [#GLAM+WIKI+GÈNERE]


VÍDEO: Idiomes: 1 conferències en anglès, 1 en castellà, 3 en català

23 de maig Sala d’Actes, FIMA (UB), 9:30-13:30h

III International Conference on Data Feminism 2023. 14th April, W&W has been invited by Lourdes Muñoz, founder of Iniciativa Open Data Barcelona to present the preliminary results of the gender gap Data Feminism in Wikipedia at the session Data Woman: Projectes de dades que visualitzen les bretxes pendents. Organized by: Data Gender Lab La Ciba & Ajuntament de Santa Coloma de Gramenet.

News from Initiativa Open Data Barcelona

Viquiprojecte escolar: Bretxa de gènere a la Viquipèdia

During the third semester (April-June 2023) we introduce a pilot wikiproject into the courses of “Problemàtiques Socials” and “Matemàtica aplicada” to the students of 1st of baccalaureate (17 years old) of the high school Institut Vall d’Arús de Vallirana (Barcelona). 80 students will create articles on books and authors banned by gender reasons (in the campaign “ACadaLlibreElSeuPúblic) and produce an infographic about the data of the W&W project on the gender gap in Wikipedia.

14/04/2023 Ester Bonet, from Viquidones, in front of 80 students during the hands-on editing of Wikipedia with gender perspective for the #ACadaLlibreElSeuPúblic campaign in Institut Vall d’Arús.

Núria Ferran opening the session

1st-30 April: International Librarianship Wikimedia Campaign #EachBookItsReader. After the WikiLibCon22, we create the Wikipedia and libraries international campaign for promoting books in Wikipedia, Wikidata and Wikicommons. In our project, we focus on censored or banned books based on gender identity reasons.

##EveryBookItsReader (English) #ChaqueLivreSonPublic (Français) #ACadaLlibreElSeuPúblic (Català) #CadaLivroSeuPúblico (Português) #CadaLibroSuPúblico (Español)

31st March-1stApril: Wikimedia and Gender Gap Meetup. Meeting, seminars and workshops among researchers of the gender gap on Wikipedia. In Medialab Madrid. With the conference of Nataliia Tymkiv, chair, Board of Trustees of Wikimedia Foundation. Organizers: WikiEsfera and this project W&W.

PPTs of the sessions. And news from the faculty.

Video of the event.

30st March: Workshop on Notability and Gender in Wikipedia. David Ramírez-Ordoñez. Wikimedia Uruguay. Youtube

Workshop on Gender and Wikipedia

15th March: Seminar on Wikipedia Bots: gender gap and artificial intelligence. Seminars of the Centre de Recerca en Informació, Comunicació i Cultura (CRICC), Universitat de Barcelona.

13th January: Follow-up group meeting of W&W research project at the Faculty of Information and Communication at Universitat de Barcelona.

Some members of W&W research project at a follow-up meeting


Women in Red 2022 GoldStar25th November: PI of the project Women and Wikipedia (W&W), Núria Ferran-Ferrer, was awarded the Golden Star 2022 Women in Red for her contribution to hard work and due diligence in reducing the gender gap in Wikipedia (news).

II Jornada d’Ètica Periodística, Col·legi de Periodistes de Catalunya. November 2022. News

26th October 2023: Wikimarathon with gender perspective (lecturers and students) from the Faculty of Information and Audiovisual Media, Universitat de Barcelona, organized by our project Women and Wikipedia (W&W), the library and Equality Commission. News.

13-15 September 2022: Communication “Categorización con perspectiva de género en Wikipedia: la aportación de Wikidata y de los datos abiertos enlazados” at the Conference Libraries and Digital Humanities: Projects and Challenges, UNED, Madrid. Miquel Centelles, Yessica Macià & Núria Ferran-Ferrer.

WikiLibCon2223-24th July 2022: Wikipedia and Libraries Convention (WikiLibCon22). Núria Ferran-Ferrer in the Core Organizing Team and lead of the Programme SubCommittee.
Wikimedia and Libraries Convention, Maynooth, July 2022

Ramírez-Ordóñez, David; Ferran-Ferrer, Núria; Meneses, Julio (2022). “Tools to detect and prevent the Wikipedia gender gap from the library field“, WikiLibCon, 23 July, Maynooth, Ireland.

Presentation of W&W to WikiEsfera25th May. WikiEsfera session for explaining the project to its community.

April 2022: Communication at WikiVibrance Europe 2022. “Elaboració d’una pàgina de suport docent d’escriptura a la Viquipèdia amb pespectiva de gènere“. Sònia Camarasa & Núria Ferran-Ferrer

April 2022: ArticleGender Byas in Wikipedia: Analysing behaviour linked to editing and the collaborative knowledge creation process” at IN3 Blog