Basic information
Type | Bachelor's degrees |
Faculty or school | Faculty of Biology |
Branch of knowledge |
Mode of delivery | face-to-face |
Credits | 240 |
Number of places available | 60 |
Length of course | As a general rule, at the UB you will be required to enrol online via the Students Portal. academic years |
Language(s) of instruction | Catalan 82.8%, Spanish17.2% |
Admission grade |
9,232 (July 2024, start of process, via official entrance examinations/vocational training)
Approximate price per credit | 18,46 € |
Compulsory placements | No |
Coordinator | JUAN LUIS RIERA REY |
Course details | Indicators |
Specializations | Yes |
Objectives and competences
- To understand the theoretical and practical aspects of natural and social sciences, as well as the tools needed to apply knowledge to practice. To become capable of coordinating specialist work in different areas.
- To acquire the scientific, technical, social, economic and legal tools to understand the environment. This objective derives from the understanding that a good environmental professional must be able to deal with environmental issues in an interdisciplinary manner, in accordance with the complexity of their field of work, taking into account the rest of the social and economic problems of our society.
- To become a professional in sustainability and global change.
- To learn environmental education and communication.
General competences
- Commitment to ethical practice (critical and self-critical capabilities, and capacity to demonstrate attitudes consistent with accepted notions of ethical practice).
- Capacity for learning and responsibility (capacity for analysis and synthesis, to adopt global perspectives and to apply knowledge in practice, and capacity to take decisions and adapt to new situations).
- Ability to work in a team (capacity to collaborate with others and contribute to a common project, and capacity to work in cross-disciplinary and multicultural teams).
- Creative and entrepreneurial skills (capacity to conceive, design and manage projects, and capacity to research and integrate new knowledge and approaches).
- Concern for sustainability (capacity to assess the social and environmental impact of actions taken in a particular setting, and capacity to adopt integrated and systemic approaches).
- Communication skills (capacity to understand and produce spoken and written Catalan, Spanish and a third language, including the comprehension and use of specialized terminology, and capacity to research and integrate information in these languages).
- Understanding of manager-scientific-technologist-citizen relationships in the face of environmental problems.
- Understanding of the multi-disciplinary nature of environmental problems.
- Capacity to relate experimental results found in field or laboratory studies with theoretical knowledge.
Specific competences
- Basic knowledge of branch subject matter: mathematics, chemistry, physics, geology and biology.
- Knowledge of the history and composition of the Earth and the main processes around which it is built.
- Knowledge of biological functional processes from the molecule to the organism.
- Knowledge of functions, diversity and distribution of living beings.
- Knowledge and interpreting of relations between living beings and their living environment.
- Understanding of the geographical bases related to the environment in their physical, historical and social aspects.
- Knowledge of the contents and procedures in environmental legislation and in spatial planning and management.
- Understanding, application and interpretation of basic economic concepts applied to the environment.
- Capacity to determine the economic value of goods, services and natural resources.
- Knowledge of environmental pollutants and the techniques for analysing and quantifying contamination in different media (waste, soil, water, air.).
- Capacity to integrate knowledge of different disciplines to describe, measure, explain and predict the effect of contaminants on organisms.
- Capacity to plan, implement and manage analyses of natural resources.
- Knowledge of the relation between productive processes and their effects on the environment.
- Knowledge of the main technologies with environmental applications. Ability to analyse, interpret and model environmental data.
- Capacity to create and manage environmental projects.
- Capacity to assess and manage the environment.
- Ability to plan, manage and conserve natural resources.
- Ability to operate and interpret geographical information systems.
- Ability to carry out environmental impact studies.
- Capacity to understand environmental management systems.
- Capacity to plan the restoration of the environment.
- Ability to design, implement, coordinate and evaluate waste management plans.
- Ability to manage the supply and treatment of water resources.
- Capacity to treat polluted soils.
- Ability to assess air and water quality.
- Capacity to plan the use of clean technologies and renewable energy sources.
- Ability to develop and implement quality management systems for laboratories, treatment plants and companies.
- Capacity to identify and appraise environmental costs.
- Knowledge of basic probability and statistical tools in their application to the analysis of environmental data.
- Capacity to apply quantitative analysis techniques to environmental data.
- Knowledge of the toxic effects of pollutants on the environment and organisms, including human beings.
Access and admission
Applicant profile and access requirements
Recommended applicant profile
What you will need Successfully completed school leaver studies in subjects of science and technology, especially biology, chemistry, physics and mathematics. English language skills.Access requirements and conditions
Admission for students with studies completed outside Spain.
Applicants holding higher educational qualifications from a university outside Spain should consult the page Admission with foreign qualifications to find out about specific admission requirements.
Students that have studied abroad and who wish to study at the University of Barcelona may be admitted to EHEA bachelor's degree courses. Procedures for gaining admission will depend on the qualifications held by each applicant.
For further information about admission, consult the page Admission with foreign qualifications.
As a general rule, at the UB you will be required to enrol online via the Món UB portal. To find out the date and time you have been assigned, check the specific information for your course. Remember that you can lose your place if you do not enrol on the day you have been assigned.
Academic information
- Documents required for enrolment
- Procedure to formalize enrolment
- After enrolment
- Grants and financial aid
Support and guidance
Pre-enrolment information and events
Course curriculum
Subjects and course plans
Distribution of credits
Type | ECTS |
Basic training | 60 |
Compulsory | 114 |
Optional | 42 |
Compulsory placements | 12 |
Compulsory final project | 12 |
TOTAL | 240 |
List of subjects
Subject | Language | Type | Credits |
General Chemistry | 1st semester | Basic training | 6 |
Mathematics | 1st semester | Basic training | 6 |
Physics | 1st semester | Basic training | 6 |
Principles of Biology | 1st semester | Basic training | 6 |
Society and the Environment | 1st semester | Basic training | 6 |
Chemistry of Aquatic Systems | 2nd semester | Basic training | 6 |
Environmental Law | 2nd semester | Compulsory | 6 |
Geology | 2nd semester | Basic training | 6 |
Plant Biology | 2nd semester | Compulsory | 6 |
Statistics | 2nd semester | Compulsory | 6 |
Subject | Language | Type | Credits |
Animal Biology | 1st semester | Compulsory | 6 |
Environmental Microbiology | 1st semester | Basic training | 6 |
Geochemistry | 1st semester | Basic training | 6 |
Physical Geography and Climatology | 1st semester | Basic training | 6 |
Soil Science | 1st semester | Compulsory | 6 |
Ecosystem Ecology and Biogeochemistry | 2nd semester | Compulsory | 6 |
Environmental Technology | 2nd semester | Compulsory | 6 |
General Economics | 2nd semester | Compulsory | 6 |
Geographical Information Systems | 2nd semester | Compulsory | 6 |
Spatial Planning | 2nd semester | Compulsory | 6 |
Subject | Language | Type | Credits |
Characterization and Management of Waste and Wastewater | 1st semester | Compulsory | 6 |
Economics, Natural Resources and the Environment | 1st semester | Compulsory | 6 |
Environmental Impact Assessment | 1st semester | Compulsory | 6 |
Pollution and Chemical Analysis | 1st semester | Compulsory | 6 |
Population Ecology and Community Ecology | 1st semester | Compulsory | 6 |
Conservation of Biodiversity | 2nd semester | Compulsory | 6 |
Environmental Toxicology | 2nd semester | Compulsory | 6 |
Sustainable Development | 2nd semester | Compulsory | 6 |
Subject | Language | Type | Credits |
Data Analysis |
1st semester
2nd semester |
Compulsory | 6 |
Practicum I |
1st semester
2nd semester |
Compulsory | 6 |
Final Project |
1st semester
2nd semester |
Compulsory final project | 12 |
Practicum II |
1st semester
2nd semester |
Compulsory | 6 |
Pathways and specializations
Specialization in Environmental Management (2019)Specialization in Environmental Technology (2019)
Check the planning of the different pathways of the degree
Previous years
Placements are supervised by tutors and subject to assessment.They are therefore included in the academic record. There is also an option to complete non-curricular placements of up to 500 hours, which can be extended to 900 hours. For both curricular and non-curricular placements, an educational cooperation agreement is signed between the UB and the company, institution or other organization at which the placement will be carried out.
Institutional information
Career opportunities
What can you work on ?
- Education and research.
- Environmental management.
- Public and private sector quality management.
- Impact consultancy.
- Environmental technology.
Access to the labour market
Data from the university system in CataloniaContact us
Faculty of Biology
Diagonal, 643 - 08028 Barcelona
Secretary: 934 021
Questions mailbox