The UB
We provide the widest course offering of any university in Spain and are national leaders in research, thanks to a standing commitment to quality. This status is reflected in the foremost international rankings and is reflected in the extensive transfer activities that channel our results into society.
We are a community of almost one hundred thousand people with a body of shared values: liberty, democracy, justice, equality and solidarity, and a commitment to social responsibility and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.
Alongside our close historical ties with the city of Barcelona and with Catalonia as a whole, we are a global university with a presence around the world and contributors to the European universities initiative

UB in figures
Commitment to society
UB campuses

The UB in the world
Organization, governance and people

UB Group
- Scientific and Innovative Culture
- Agustí Pedro Pons Foundation
- Bosch i Gimpera Foundation (FBG)
- Col·legis Majors UB Foundation
- Guasch Coranty Foundation
- Institute for Lifelong Learning (IL3-UB)
- Josep Finestres Foundation (FJF)
- Fundació Montcelimar
- Barcelona Science Park Foundation (PCB)
- Fundació R. Amigó Cuyàs
- UB Solidarity Foundation