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Silcrete reduction processes in the Australian desert. Peter Hiscock

26 octubre, 2015
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SESSION 12 - Silcrete as a lithic raw material in global context: geology, sourcing and techno-economics
Silcrete reduction processes in the Australian desert

These sites display the entire reduction sequence of silcrete boulders, from initial core reduction to fine retouching of microliths. The silcrete sequence involves many different strategies and techniques, reinforcing the versatility but also limitations of the material. Core reduction began with large flake production, sometimes anvil rested, with both cores and flakes exported from quarries. Subsequent production processes included heat treatment, small core reduction, and retouching of microliths and unifacial points. These manufacturing processes are spatially dispersed and they display change through time. In most locations silcrete was the highest ranked lithic resource, and use of silcrete in the Australian desert was varied and contextually dynamic.

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