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New study of obsidian blades debitage at Kasov-Cepegov. Pierre Allard

26 octubre, 2015
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SESSION 13 - Obsidian - methodological issues of obsidian provenance studies and a new perspective of archaeological obsidian
New study of obsidian blades debitage at Kasov-Cepegov, (Bükk culture), Slovakia

This paper will present the result of a new study of the site of Kašov-Čepegov I in eastern Slovakia. Excavations at Kašov were led by Ladislav Banesz during the middle of eighties. Excavations revealed one pit with hundreds obsidian wastes concentrations and the associated decorated pottery shards belong to Bükk Culture (Bánesz 1991). The site is located near obsidian outcrops of eastern Slovakia and northern Hungary. The exploitation and trade of obsidian is usually linked to the Bükk Culture. Previous analysis of chipped stone industries from various sites have shown that obsidian played a major role especially with the existence of so-called specialized on-site workshops where blocks were preliminary worked and partially exploited to produce blades.

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