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Middle Paleolithic technical behavior at the Su13 of Oscurusciuto Rock Shelter, Southern Italy. Giulia Marciani

10 setembre, 2015
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SESSION 3 – Stone tool production and processing techniques
Import – export and production: Middle Paleolithic technical behavior at the Su13 of Oscurusciuto Rock Shelter, Southern Italy

The Oscurusciuto rock shelter, located in southern Italy, has yielded a long Middle Paleolithic stratigraphy rich in lithic assemblages, fireplaces and faunal remains attesting Neanderthal occupation. A special focus has been given to the study of cores and the numerous refits and conjoins. The technical strategies applied indicated fragmentation of the reduction processes and probable events of importation and exportation of already finished objects. The main concept of debitage was Levallois, generally realised on local jasper and siliceous limestone pebbles or cortical flakes. Jasper and siliceous limestone long flakes, long backed flakes and convergent flakes were the technological aims of the debitage. A marginal volumetric debitage aimed to produce bladelets was also attested.

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