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Chalcolithic raw material economy in light of new data from the 'Przyjaźń'. Janusz Budziszewski

9 setembre, 2015
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SESSION 2 – Ancient lithic trade and economics
Chalcolithic raw material economy in light of new data from the 'Przyjaźń' mining field in Rzeczkowo (Central Poland)

The studies of chalcolithic production from Chocolate Flint are still not well investigated when it comes to the production of “dagger” blades. These forms are usually made from long regular blanks and are found among inventories attributed to the Lubelsko-Wołyńska culture. In our research we examine how these blades were extracted and produced.
During our survey carried out on a Chocolate Flint outcrop in 2013 we discovered several new prehistoric extraction fields of which one, Przyjaźń in Rzeczkowo (Central Poland), was located on redeposited sediments of glacial origin. Flint nodules from this site were changed by post-depositional factors, which caused heavy patination of their colours. In such form they were picked up by prehistoric producers and used for blade production. We studied this collection by morphological analyses to assess the technology and complimented this with comparison to experimentally made items.

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