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29 gener, 2014
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Els estudiants de la Facultat de Biblioteconomia i Documentació de la Universitat de Barcelona i de l’Escola Sueca de Biblioteconomia i Documentació de la Universitat de Borås (Suècia) organitzen el BOBCATSSS Barcelona 2014, un congrés internacional sobre biblioteconomia, informació i documentació adreçat principalment als alumnes de les universitats europees.

BOBCATSSS in an acronym for the universities that initiated the symposium in 1993: Budapest, Oslo, Barcelona, Copenhagen, Amsterdam, Tampere, Stuttgart, Szombathely and Sheffield. BOBCATSSS is an university network and during the last years further members have joined it: Borås, Riga, Kharkiv, Moscow, Tallinn, Torun, Warsaw, Sofia, Ljubljana, Krakow, Bratislava, Prague, Osjiek, Zadar, Berlin, Potsdam, Porto and Parma.

This year’s theme is “Library (r)evolution: Promoting sustainable information practices” and the organizing and planning of the BOBCATSSSS 2014 symposium is a collaboration between two universities from two different countries. The teams from Borås (The university of Borås) and Barcelona (Universitat de Barcelona) are working together in making an international meeting place for exchanging experiences and to fulfil the goal to enable a discussion about sustainable development in the field of library and information science.

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