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The mineral composition of "Chocolate flint." Dagmara Werra

20 octubre, 2015
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SESSION 6 - Characterising lithic sources
The mineral composition of "Chocolate flint" compared to other varieties of chert from central to southern Poland used by prehistoric communities

The differentiation of the color of “Chocolate Flint” and determination of its characteristic features in relation to other siliceous rocks can be solved by using mineralogical studies. Therefore several samples of “Chocolate Flint” were analyzed, together with comparative samples of other siliceous rock. Mineral that may be helpful to distinguish “Chocolate Flint” from other varieties of siliceous rocks is apatite. Most frequently the apatite present in “Chocolate Flint” creates an irregular aggregation of elements that are remnants of skeletal fish. Another variation of this mineral is present in the form of oval apatite, with a drawn grain size of up to 20 μm. The last variety is apatite with irregular inclusions which is always associated with pyrite and barite aggregates.

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