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The export of Heligoland flint in Prehistory with special focus on Danish finds. Klaus Hirsch

9 setembre, 2015
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SESSION 2 – Ancient lithic trade and economics
The export of Heligoland flint in Prehistory with special focus on Danish finds

The first Danish find of red Heligoland Flint was recognized in 2006. Since then, 20 artifacts of red flint and 10 of gray flint have been identified in public and private collections as well as in recently excavated material. The artifact spectrum covers all common types of “large” tools, for example axes, adzes, sickles and daggers. This is remarkable, since from a modern point of view there was no necessity to transport Heligoland Flint as far as 300 km into areas where local flint of high quality was abundant and easily accessible.

The presentation surveys the artifacts made of red and gray Heligoland Flint found in Denmark. Focus is set on their chorology, chronology and typology. Additional aspects are their means of transportation and the question as to where the flint was processed. The function of these finds and their role in prehistoric society is also discussed.

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