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GRISIJ (english)

21 Enero, 2019
Número de master
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The GRISIJ Group (Grup d’Investigació en Intervencions Socioeducatives en la Infància y la Joventut) was created in 1995 in order to face the different lacks of knowledge and methodology intervention in the domains of social maladjustment and Infants protection. The interest and the experience of the Group members encouraged the creation of an interdisciplinary team with a theory and practical perspective and therefore the group started a research process to give an answer to these topics. The aim of the GRISIJ Group was to create scientist reference frameworks and convert them in resources to help the infants in an unprotected situation through a socio-educative action. Thanks to the latest researches, the group has found the need of studying other domains in interaction with the social maladjustment that could give an answer to this phenomenon. Therefore new research lines have been set up: Education of Health, Gender Violence, and Resilience this one has a cross section view to the other three research lines.


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