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ICO-WHO Symposia on Tobacco Control. 2016 Symposium

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The WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC) is an evidence-based treaty that reaffirms the right of all people to the highest standard of health. The WHO FCTC was developed in response to the globalization of the tobacco epidemic. The spread of the tobacco epidemic is facilitated through a variety of complex factors with cross-border effects, including trade liberalization and direct foreign investment. Other factors such as global marketing, transnational tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship, and the international movement of contraband and counterfeit cigarettes have also contributed to the explosive increase in tobacco use. Ten years after its ratification by most countries around the world, the health gains triggered by the WHO FCTC are evident, but not sufficient.

The aim of this Symposium is to review how the WHO FCTC has been implemented internationally, by identifying achievements, loopholes, barriers, and the new challenges ahead.


09:30 h. WELCOME TO PARTICIPANTS Josep Maria Vilà, President, Catalan Institute of Oncology, Kristina Mauer-Stender,Tobacco Control Programme, WHO Regional Office for Europe, Esteve Fernández, Symposium’s Chair

10:00 h. OPENING CONFERENCE: “Entering the second decade of FCTC implementation: progress so far and challenges ahead” by Tibor Szilágyi, Secretariat WHO FCTC
10:30 h. DISCUSSION (Moderator: Carmen Cabezas, Public Health Agency of Catalonia)

11:30 h. 2nd CONFERENCE: “The EU Tobacco Product Directive: dream, mirage or nemesis?” by Constantine Vardavas, European Network for Smoking Prevention.
12:15 h. DISCUSSION (Moderator: Cristina Martínez, Catalan Institute of Oncology)

12:30 h. 3rd CONFERENCE:“Supporting cessation using mobile phones: The Be He@lthy Be Mobile initiative” by Susannah Robinson, The Be He@lthy Be Mobile initiative, WHO and Dongbo Fu, Technical Officer for tobacco cessation, WHO
13:15 h. DISCUSSION (Moderator: Josep M. Suelves, Public Health Agency of Catalonia)

14:30 h. 4th CONFERENCE:“Are the world achieving the 2025 target on tobacco use?” by Alison Commar, Comprehensive Information Systems on Tobacco Control, WHO
15:15 h. DISCUSSION (Moderator: Silvano Gallus, “Mario Negri” Institute, Milan)

15:30 h. 5th CONFERENCE: “Have smoking bans after WHO FCTC worked in reducing harms of passive smoking?” by Cecily Kelleher, University College Dublin
16:15 h. DISCUSSION (Moderator: Xisca Sureda, University of Alcalá, Madrid)

16:30 h. CLOSING CONFERENCE: “Plain packaging –why it matters, and how to make it happen” by Mike Daube, Curtin University, Perth
17:15 h. DISCUSSION (Moderator: Regina Dalmau, Spanish National Committee for Smoking Prevention, and Cornel Radu, European Network for Smoking Prevention)

17:30 h. CLOSING REMARKS by Esteve Fernández (Symposium’s Chair) and CLOSING OF THE SYMPOSIUM by Josep R. Germá (Scientific Director, Catalan Institute of Oncology) and Carmen Cabezas (Public Health Agency, Government of Catalonia)