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Experiences from teachers/students who have used it (English version)

30 January, 2023
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Session led by Dr. Raül Sancho. Investigator (UB) + student, Dr. Teresa Barroso. Investigator (Coimbra School) + student and Dr. Judith Roca. Investigator (University of Lleida) + student within the MULTIPLIER EVENT. INSTrUCT Project “An open educational resource in Brief Intervention for smoking cessation” on October 7th, 2022 at the University of Barcelona.

INSTrUCT is an online educational resource aimed at promoting smoking cessation knowledge and skills among higher education students in all Health Sciences Degrees. During the meeting, this educational resource was presented to professors from various universities, explaining INSTrUCT implementation and evaluation process at that moment, in which students, professors and researchers participated. Up to now, more than 1,000 students from various European universities have completed the course during its pilot phase. The universities involved are Coimbra School of Nursing (ESEnfC), the University of Barcelona (Spain), the University of Navarra (Spain), the University of Lleida (Spain), King’s College London (United Kingdom), the Universite Libre de Bruxelles and the Erasmushogeschool Brussel (Belgium) and, the Catalan Institute of Oncology (Spain), coordinator of this consortium. This online educational resource is available in four languages (English, French, Spanish and Portuguese).


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