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Processing techniques of the knapped stone production at Yurac Corral archaeological site (Ayacucho, Perú). Leslye Valenzuela

9 September, 2015
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SESSION 2 – Ancient lithic trade and economics
Processing techniques of the knapped stone production at Yurac Corral archaeological site (Ayacucho – Perú): relationships between the geology, the regional volcanism and stone tool production at the end of the Middle Holocene

Stone tool production and lithic analysis (in the Central and Southern area of Peru) has not been deeply analyzed since the 70’s, and very little is known about the settlement and the use of the landscape by the Holocene populations in this region. Archaeological investigations at the prehistoric site of Yurac Corral (south-central of Peruvian Andes) can help us to achieve a better understanding of the interaction between the northern and southern sites. The importance of Yurac Corral relies on the fact that until now it existed a lack of archaeological sites and investigations in the central area of Peru, but little by little the information provided by the excavation of Yurac Corral will change this paradigm. On this paper we present preliminary results of a study focus on the analysis of the potential raw material sources and their influence on stone production during the last stage of the Middle Holocene.

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