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Prehistoric chert mining evidence in Serra Llarga (Castelló de Farfanya, Spain). Marta Sánchez de la Torre

8 September, 2015
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SESSION 1 – Raw material exploitation strategies – mining and surface collecting
Prehistoric chert mining evidence in Serra Llarga (Castelló de Farfanya, Spain)

The site is located next to a marl and limestone formation with abundant nodular cherts from the Rupelian (Castelltallat Formation), the nodular cherts being of a high quality for knapping. Among the elements identified during excavation, two types of structures predominate. First, buckets between 1.5 and 2 meters in diameter with a depth of 15 to 45 cm filled with detrital sedimentary rocks were identified. Lithic tools are the main archaeological material represented in these structures, which were interpreted as lithic ovens for the heat treatment of chert. The second type of structure prevailing in the archaeological record was a small cylindrical deposit with cylindrical section and 0.5 to 1 m depth. These structures presented ceramic materials, lithic industry and faunal remains and were interpreted as provisions deposits associated to the ovens.

In this communication we will delve into the determination of chert acquisition and management strategies which had been developed, as well as into the functionality of the different types of structures determined during the archaeological works.

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