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Leticia Cugliandolo - Measuring Effective Temperatures in Generalized Gibbs Ensemble

19 July, 2017
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El dia 12 de juny de 2017 té lloc el simposi fundacional de l’Institut de Recerca de Sistemes Complexos de la Universitat de Barcelona (UBICS). A la presentació, hi tenim al seu director Albert Díaz Guilera, catedràtic del Departament Física de la Matèria Condensada; Atilà Herms, degà de la Facultat de Física; i Domènec Espriu, Vicerector de Recerca de la Universitat de Barcelona. Tot seguit, intervé Leticia Cugliandolo amb la ponència Measuring Effective Temperatures in Generalized Gibbs Ensemble.

On June 12, 2017 the founding symposium of the University of Barcelona's Institute of Complex Systems Research (UBICS) takes place. In the presentation, we have its director, Albert Díaz Guilera, Professor of the Physical Department of Condensed Matter; Atilá Herms, Dean of the Faculty of Physics; Domènec Espriu, Vice President of Research at the University of Barcelona. Later, Leticia Cugliandolo with the paper Measuring Effective Temperatures in Generalized Gibbs Ensemble.

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