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FX Perspectives: Can The Unexpected Strength In DXY Continue?
In our April FX podcast, Our Head of FX Strategy presented a case for the broad-based DXY index to eventually fall to the lower end of its 102-104 range in the second quarter. However, things have played out different since, with the index now in a higher 104-107 range. What are the factors at play and will this continue?
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Entrega de la VI Edició del Premi Torres & Earth

2 July, 2019
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Entrega del VI Premi Torres & Earth a la Innovació Ambiental, a càrrec del Sr. Miguel Torres, President de Familia Torres i Elisenda Rius, cap de Relacions Institucionals i Protocol de la Universitat de Barcelona, el dia 5 de juny de 2019 a l'Aula Magna de la Universitat de Barcelona.

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