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actiu financer Terminologia comptable de les NIIF

actiu financer

Terminologia comptable de les NIIF
  • ca
    actiu financer
  • es
    activo financiero
  • fr
    actif financier
  • en
    financial asset
  • norma IAS32
  • A financial asset is any asset that is:
    • (a) cash;
    • (b) an equity instrument of another entity;
    • (c) a contractual right: (i) to receive cash or another financial asset from another entity; or (ii) to exchange financial assets or financial liabilities with another entity under conditions that are potentially favourable to the entity; or
    • (d) a contract that will or may be settled in the entity’s own equity instruments and is: (i) a non-derivative for which the entity is or may be obliged to receive a variable number of the entity’s own equity instruments; or (ii) a derivative that will or may be settled other than by the exchange of a fixed amount of cash or another financial asset for a fixed number of the entity’s own equity instruments. For this purpose the entity’s own equity instruments do not include puttable financial instruments classified as equity instruments in accordance with paragraphs 16A and 16B, instruments that impose on the entity an obligation to deliver to another party a pro rata share of the net assets of the entity only on liquidation and are classified as equity instruments in accordance with paragraphs 16C and 16D, or instruments that are contracts for the future receipt or delivery of the entity’s own equity instruments.

actiu financer o passiu financer a valor raonable amb canvis en el compte de pèrdues i guanys

Terminologia comptable de les NIIF
  • ca
    actiu financer o passiu financer a valor raonable amb canvis en el compte de pèrdues i guanys
  • es
    activo financiero o pasivo financiero a valor razonable con cambios en resultados
  • fr
    actif financier ou passif financier à la juste valeur par le biais du compte de résultat
  • en
    financial liability at fair value through profit or loss
  • norma IAS39
  • A financial liability at fair value through profit or loss is a financial liability that meets either of the following conditions:
    • (a) it meets the definition of held for trading;
    • (b) upon initial recognition it is designated by the entity as at fair value through profit or loss. An entity may use this designation only when permitted by paragraph 11A, or when doing so results in more relevant information, because either (i) it eliminates or significantly reduces a measurement or recognition inconsistency (sometimes referred to as ’an accounting mismatch ) that would otherwise arise from measuring assets or liabilities or recognising the gains and losses on them on different bases; or (ii) a group of financial liabilities or financial assets and financial liabilities is managed and its performance is evaluated on a fair value basis, in accordance with a documented risk management or investment strategy, and information about the group is provided internally on that basis to the entity’s key management personnel (as defined in IAS 24 Related Party Disclosures (as revised in 2009)), for example the entity’s board of directors and chief executive officer.

actius financers disponibles per a la venda Terminologia comptable de les NIIF

actius financers disponibles per a la venda

Terminologia comptable de les NIIF
  • ca
    actius financers disponibles per a la venda
  • es
    activos financieros disponibles para la venta
  • fr
    actifs financiers détenus à des fins de transaction
  • en
    financial assets held for trading
  • norma IAS39
  • A financial asset or financial liability is held for trading if:
    • (a) it is acquired or incurred principally for the purpose of selling or repurchasing it in the near term;
    • (b) on initial recognition it is part of a portfolio of identified financial instruments that are managed together and for which there is evidence of a recent actual pattern of short-term profit-taking; or
    • (c) it is a derivative (except for a derivative that is a financial guarantee contract or a designated and effective hedging instrument).

actius generats per l’exploració i l’avaluació Terminologia comptable de les NIIF

actius generats per l’exploració i l’avaluació

Terminologia comptable de les NIIF
  • ca
    actius generats per l’exploració i l’avaluació
  • es
    activos para exploración y evaluación
  • fr
    actifs au titre de la prospection et de l’évaluation
  • en
    exploration and evaluation assets
  • norma IFRS6
  • Exploration and evaluation expenditures recognised as assets in accordance with the entity’s accounting policy.

actius nets disponibles per al pagament de prestacions Terminologia comptable de les NIIF

actius nets disponibles per al pagament de prestacions

Terminologia comptable de les NIIF
  • ca
    actius nets disponibles per al pagament de prestacions
  • es
    activos netos disponibles para el pago de prestaciones
  • fr
    actifs nets affectés aux prestations
  • en
    net assets available for benefits
  • norma IAS26
  • Net assets available for benefits are the assets of a plan less liabilities other than the actuarial present value of promised retirement benefits.