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Anna Sopena Gilboy
PhD student

Departament de Matemàtiques i Informàtica
Universitat de Barcelona
Gran Via 585
08007 Barcelona

e-mail: asopenagilboy@ub.edu
Office: X 07

Foto Anna

I am PhD student and a member of the Topology Research Group at Universitat de Barcelona. My PhD is supervised by Joana Cirici and Jonas Stelzig.

Research Interests
My research focuses on Algebraic Topology. The purpose of my PhD is to study homotopical algebra and operadic calculus, exploring their interactions with complex geometry.

Publications and preprints

  • Filtered A-infinity structures in complex geometry (with Joana Cirici)
    Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 150 (2022), no. 9, 4067-4082.
    [ Arxiv ] [ Journal ]

Conferences and workshops

