• GIL-ALONSO, F.; RUBIALES-PÉREZ, M.; LÓPEZ-VILLANUEVA, C.; GARCÍA-COLL, A. (30 junio-3 de julio de 2024). Segregation of the Foreign Population in the Large Metropolitan Areas of Spain. Towards New Dynamics of Socio-Spatial Fragmentation. [Comunicación] 12th International Conference on Population Geographies. Belfast, Reino Unido.

  • OROZCO-MARTÍNEZ, C.; BAYONA-i-CARRASCO, J.; GIL-ALONSO, F. (30 junio-3 de julio de 2024). Housing tenure disparities among immigrant population in Spain: An analysis through 2001, 2011, and 2021 Censuses. [Comunicación]12th International Conference on Population Geographies. Belfast, Reino Unido.