- Daniel had attended a few group psychotherapy sessions and had
spoken to the group therapist several times. It was therefore decided to include
the therapist as an element in the grid.
- Shubsachs (1975) carried out a study in which he concluded that
the most frequently repeated constructs were the most important. This is logical
considering that they are more easily accessible to memory.
- Inverted poles are generally involuntarily set in the construct elicitation
phase of test administration but cannot be detected until later. The distortion
that this can produce at the level of data analysis has been underestimated.
The casual arrangement of the construct poles can distort most mathematical
analyses of the data (see MacKay, 1992). As a result, the GRIDCOR programme
analyses the grid titled "Focused Grid" rather than the one that
has the "Original Data" (see below).
- This statistical method is gaining recognition especially after the creation
of the SPAD statistical package (Lebart et al, 1985), although very similar
techniques have appeared in other places under different names (e.g., "Optimal
Scaling", "Dual Analysis").
- The matrix's "trace" represents the inertia,
information or variance produced by the grid's constructs and elements. It
is equal to the sum of all the eigenvalues that correspond to the different
projection axes of the diagonally arranged matrix. In terms of chi-squares,
the trace is equivalent to the ratio between chi-square and the total sum
of the data matrix, when a hypothesis of independence between constructs and
elements is made. The population is the sum of all the ratings appearing in
the data matrices (one for each construct pole).
- The GRIDCOR programme carries out some calculations after creating the OTHERS
element by averaging the scores of all the elements except the self and IDEAL
elements. This is a necessary step to take in the calculation of some of the
cognitive measures (see further ahead) and does not distort other calculations.
- Ryle and Green (1972) verified the hypothesis that the self-parents distance
is greater in clients with neurotic symptoms. They therefore consider seeing
oneself as very different from one's parents as a cognitive characteristic
of neurotic disorders.
- This profile, taken alone, does not guarantee the existence of a depression.
It could be indicative of a person with another disorder (e.g., anxiety) who
feels hopeless, in which case the depression could be just another symptom.
Norris et al. (1976) have identified this profile in subjects with anxiety
and obsessive compulsive disorders, as well as in alcoholics.
- Landfield (1977) has advocated a similar taxonomy based on his research with
these complementary aspects of system structure, although using a different
set of measures.