Loyola Behavioral Lab, Universidad Loyola
The Loyola Behavioral Lab (LoyolaBehLAB) is a research institute hosted by Universidad Loyola. We study human behavior (decisions and beliefs) and evolution of social norms in the lab and in the field. Our research lies in the intersection between Economics, Game Theory, Psychology and Statistics. We focus on four topics (i) Social preferences and networks; (ii) Time preferences and decisions under uncertainty; (iii) Cognitive abilities and executive control, (iv) Randomized control trials. Our faculty has published in top journals such us Evolution and Human Behavior, Experimental Economics, Games & Economic Behavior, International Economic Review, Journal of Conflict Resolution, Journal of Experimental Psychology, Neuroimage, Perspectives in Psychological Science, Proceedings Royal Society B, or Psychological Science. Our research has been funded by ESRC, Excelencia-JA, Plan Nacional and the World Bank.
Principal Investigator
Pablo Brañas
Professor of Behavioural Economics at Universidad Loyola since April 2018. Previously, he was Professor of Behavioural Economics at Middlesex University London (2012-18) and Professor of Economic Theory at the University of Granada (2009-12). He is Editor in Chief of the Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, member of the IRB of IMV-RCT (MISSM) @inclusiongob, Principal Investigator of the Spanish Network of Experimental and Behavioral Economics (red e3c) and member of the @ESRC College. Previously, he served as President of the Society for the Advancement of Behavioral Economics (2016-18), Associate Editor at JBEE and PLoS ONE.
- Noelia Rivera