Dra. Cynthia Belén González Olivares
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- cynthia.gonzalez@ub.edu
Short Biography
I am a Ph.D. candidate at the doctoral program Societat i Cultura: Història, Antropologia, Art i Patrimoni at the Universitat de Barcelona (Spain) and member of the Seminari d’Estudis i Recerques Prehistòriques (SERP-UB). I graduated in Archeology in 2016 at this same university, to later continue my specialization studies in Prehistory with a Talent Scholarship in the Master’s Degree in Quaternary Archeology and Human Evolution (Erasmus Mundus) from which I graduated in 2018 with an International mention between the Universitat Rovira i Virgili and the Institute of Human Paleoecology and Social Evolution (IPHES) (both in Spain) and the Università degli Studi di Ferrara (Italy). Finally, I obtained the contract APIF-UB to carry out my thesis titled “Long blades in flint: raw materials, mobility and symbolisms during the Chalcolithic in Europe”, with Dr. Xavier Mangado as advisor.
Research interest
The research that I am currently carrying out is based on the technological and cultural characterization of the Phenomenon of the Long Blades, applying a multifocal methodology focused on: the techno-typological description of the siliceous lithic industry, the archaeopetrological characterization of the raw material (based on the macroscopic view) and the cultural comparison of this social phenomenon between the Eastern and Western Balkans and the Northeast of the Iberian Peninsula.
Selected publications
- Sánchez de la Torre, M., González-Olivares, C.B., Gratuze, B., Le Bourdonnec, F.X. & Mangado, X. (2022). Geochemical study of chert artefacts from Xicotó rockshelter (NE Iberia) archaeological site. New data on Neolithic and Mesolithic human occupations. Interdisciplinary Archaeologica Natural Sciences in Archaeology, vol. 13(2), pp. 57-74.
- Oms, F.X., Mestres, J., Martínez-Grau, H., Laborda, R., Antolin, F., Bergadà, M., Emens, A., Gibaja, J.F., González-Olivares, C., Mangado, C., Martín, P., Mas, B., Nadal, J., Fullola, J.M. (2021). Fases de ocupación y estratigrafía del asentamiento neolítico de Les Guixeres de Vilobí (Sant Martí Sarroca, Barcelona). Trabajos de Prehistoria, 78 (2), pp. 257-276.
Selected projects
- Member of the research project «El poblament prehistoric a la conca mitja i alta del riu Segre» [CLT/2022/ARQ001SOLC/124]. PI: Dr. Marta Sánchez de la Torre (SERP-UB), funded by Catalonian Government (2022-2025)
- Member of the research project «Primer poblament dels Pirineus: Vall Riu Duran i el conjunt de les Coves d’Olopte» [CLT/2022/ARQ001SOLC/169]. PI: Dr. Xavier Mangado Llach (SERP-UB), funded by Catalonian Government (2022-2025)
- International collaborator at the project «Lojanik–rudnik kamenih sirovina praistorijskih zajednica centralne Srbije/ Lojanik – the Stone Raw Material Quarry-mine of Prehistoric Communities in Central Serbia». PI: Dr. Vera Bogosavljević Petrović
Selected excavations
- Cova del Parco (La Noguera, Spain)
- Montlleó (La Cerdanya, Spain)
- Abric del Xicotó (La Noguera, Spain)