Post-doctoral researcher at Uppsala University’s Centre for Gender Research
Doris Leibetseder is a post-doctoral researcher at Uppsala University’s Centre for Gender Research since August 2016. She has recently received EU-funding from Horizon 2020, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA), for her project “Towards an Inclusive Common European Framework for Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART): Queer and Transgender Reproduction in the Age of ART: QTReproART”.
She was a visiting scholar at UC Berkeley, CSMTS (Center for Science, Technology, Medicine and Society) in 2016-17 and formed part of the Beatrice Bain Research Group at the same university from 2013 to 2016. From 2014 to 2016 she was also an IAS-STS (Institute for Advanced Studies – Science & Technology Studies) research fellow at the Alpen-Adria University (AAU) in Graz and external lecturer at the University of Vienna, of Graz (Karl-Franzens-Universität and University of Music and Performing Arts) and AAU Klagenfurt. From 2011 to 2013 she was an assistant at the Centre for Women’s and Gender Studies at the AAU Klagenfurt. Prior to this she was OeAD-Lecturer for two years in the German Department at Durham University, UK. She completed her PhD in Philosophy with distinction at the University of Vienna in 2008.
Her book publication is “Queer Tracks: Subversive Strategies in Rock and Pop Music” Ashgate, 2012. Her most recent publications are “Queer Reproduction Revisited and Why Race, Class and Citizenship Still Matters: A Response to Cristina Richie” Bioethics, 32/2, 2018; “Queer and Trans Access to Assisted Reproductive Technologies: A Comparison of Three EU-States, Poland, Spain and Sweden”, Journal for International Women’s Studies, 20/1, 2018; “States of Reproduction: The Co-Production of Queer & Trans Parenthood”, coauthor Gabriele Griffin, Journal of Gender Studies, 2019; and the compilation: Bodily Interventions and Intimate Labour: Understanding Bioprecarity, Gabriele Griffin and Doris Leibetseder (eds.), Manchester: Manchester University Press, forthcoming (2019).
Investigadora postdoctoral en el Centre for Gender Research de la Universidad de Uppsala
Doris Leibetseder es investigadora postdoctoral en el Centre for Gender Research de la Universidad de Uppsala desde agosto de 2016. Su proyecto “Towards an Inclusive Common European Framework for Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART): Queer and Transgender Reproduction in the Age of ART: QTReproART” ha sido beneficiario de una ayuda Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA), UE Horizon 2020. Investigadora visitante en la UC Berkeley, CSMTS (Center for Science, Technology, Medicine and Society) y miembro del Beatrice Bain Research Group de la misma universidad (2013-2017).
Entre 2014 y 2016 fue también investigadora de la Universidad Alpen-Adria (AAU) en Graz y profesora externa de la Universidad de Viena, Graz (Karl-Franzens-Universität and University of Music and Performing Arts), y de la AAU, Klagenfurt. Fue asistente en el Centre for Women’s and Gender Studies a l’AAU, Klagenfurt (2011-2013). Previamente, durante dos años, fue lectora en el Departamento de Alemán de la Universitat de Durham, Reino Unido. El año 2008 finalizó su doctorado en Filosofía en la Universidad de Viena con la máxima calificación.
Autora de: Queer Tracks: Subversive Strategies in Rock and Pop Music, Ashgate, 2012. Sus últimas publicaciones son: “Queer Reproduction Revisited and Why Race, Class and Citizenship Still Matters: A Response to Cristina Richie”, Bioethics 32/2, 2018; “Queer and Trans Access to Assisted Reproductive Technologies: A Comparison of Three EU-States, Poland, Spain and Sweden”, Journal for International Women’s Studies, 20/1, 2018; “States of Reproduction: The Co-Production of Queer & Trans Parenthood”, coautora con Gabriele Griffin, Journal of Gender Studies, 2019; y la compilación: Bodily Interventions and Intimate Labour: Understanding Bioprecarity, Gabriele Griffin y Doris Leibetseder (eds.), Manchester: Manchester University Press, en preparación (2019).
Investigadora postdoctoral al Centre for Gender Research de la Universitat d’Uppsala, Suècia
Doris Leibetseder és investigadora postdoctoral al Centre for Gender Research de la Universitat d’Uppsala des d’agost de 2016. El seu projecte “Towards an Inclusive Common European Framework for Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART): Queer and Transgender Reproduction in the Age of ART: QTReproART” ha sigut beneficiari d’una ajuda Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA), UE Horizon 2020. Investigadora visitant a la UC Berkeley, CSMTS (Center for Science, Technology, Medicine and Society) i membre del Beatrice Bain Research Group de la mateixa universitat (2013-2017).
Entre 2014 i 2016 va ser també investigadora de la Universitat Alpen-Adria (AAU) a Graz i professora externa de la Universitat de Viena, Graz (Karl-Franzens-Universität and University of Music and Performing Arts), i de la AAU, Klagenfurt. Assistent en el Centre for Women’s and Gender Studies a l’AAU, Klagenfurt (2011-2013). Prèviament, durant dos anys, va ser lectora en el Departament d’Alemany a la Universitat de Durham, Regne Unit. L’any 2008 finalitzà el seu doctorat en Filosofia a la Universitat de Viena amb la màxima qualificació.
Autora de: Queer Tracks: Subversive Strategies in Rock and Pop Music, Ashgate, 2012; les seves darreras publicacions són: “Queer Reproduction Revisited and Why Race, Class and Citizenship Still Matters: A Response to Cristina Richie”, Bioethics 32/2, 2018; “Queer and Trans Access to Assisted Reproductive Technologies: A Comparison of Three EU-States, Poland, Spain and Sweden”, Journal for International Women’s Studies 20/1, 2018; “States of Reproduction: The Co-Production of Queer & Trans Parenthood” co-autora amb Gabriele Griffin, Journal of Gender Studies, 2019; i la compilació: Bodily Interventions and Intimate Labour: Understanding Bioprecarity, Gabriele Griffin i Doris Leibetseder (eds.), Manchester: Manchester University Press, en preparació (2019).