PhD in Philosophy at the University of Barcelona
Researcher at the Gender and Philoosphy Seminar (since 2002); ADHUC – Research Center for Theory, Gender, Sexuality; Cátedra UNESCO Dones, Desenvolupament i Cultures. Director of the research project El llegat oblidat de Juliana Morell (2021-2022), financed by the Fundació Privada Mir-Puig.
Her doctoral thesis on the cosmology of Hildegarda de Bingen received the Extraordinary Doctorate Award and the Rafael Patxot i Jubert Award (2018) of the Institut d’Estudis Catalans. Currently, her main line of research focuses on the study of the feminine scientific imagination between the 12th and 17th centuries, as well as the philosophical background of spiritual writings by women of the same period.
She has been a visiting researcher in numerous institutions and universities: The Warburg Institute, Kingston University, Laboratoire d’Études de Genre et Sexualité (CNRS), Instituto Nazionale di Studi sul Rinascimento, Società Internazionale per lo Studio del Medioevo Latino, Freie Universität Berlin, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Universität Trier and Harvard University.
She is the author of the book L’univers vivent d’Hildegarda de Bingen: perspectives filosòfiques (2018) and of articles that focus on analyzing the thought of several women philosophers: «Grammar, Rhetoric and Dialectic: Lettres and Raison, Strategies of Political Mediation in Christine de Pizan» (2022), «Erotics as a Branch of Philosophy: The Legacy of Diotima of Mantinea» (2021), «Sapientia docet me: Hildegarda de Bingen y la filosofía» (2017), «El cielo y la tierra en el Hortus deliciarum de Herrada de Hohenbourg» (2013), «Atención, contemplación, vacío. Iris Murdoch, lectora de Simone Weil» (2013) and «Muertes del alma en Simone Weil» (2011).